Chapter 9

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Izzy's POV

Harry stays silent as he looks between us, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"W-what are y-you-I-I uhh um. What are-"

"I'm on a date with Harry," I say saving him from saying anything else embarrassing. I take Harry's hand in mine and look at him. "My boyfriend."

Luke gulps and looks at the girl he was with. "Yeah. I am too. With my girlfriend too. Her name's Aleisha. She's my girlfriend." He awkwardly says intertwining their fingers lifting their hands up to show me.

"See." He says waving their hands. "We're dating..."

I nod my head pursing my lips. "That's nice Luke."

He nods his head a little too quickly and gives Aleisha a nervous look.

"W-well we were-we were just leaving. So, uh bye."

He gets up, still intwined hands with Aleisha forcing her to jolt up from the table. He rushes out of the place dragging the poor girl behind him.

"Who was that?" Harry asks me with a weird look on his face.

"J-just an old friend...yeah."

"Doesn't seem like an old friend to me." He raises an eyebrow.

"C-can we just not talk about it right now?" I stutter.

He nods his head and looks at his menu silently.

"Hey." I say after a while of silence. "Let's enjoy this. This was supposed to be fun and relaxing and let's not one little thing ruin it. Ok?"

He nods his head and smiles showing off his dimples. They only remind of Luke's dimples when he smiles.

What. No. Stop it Izzy. Stop thinking about him.

I sigh as I look once again at my menu.

Luke's POV

"Luke!" Aleisha shouts and half laughs.

I'm pulling her by her hand while streaming through the crowded sidewalk.

"Luke! Please! Stop I'm out of breath!" she laughs and pulls her hand away from me. I blush because I forgot I was holding it.

We go to sit by a water fountain. The sound of the soothing water calmed me down.

"Lukeee," Aleisha waves her hand. "Earth to Luke."

I shake my head to regain focus. "I'm sorry Aleisha. I don't know what got into me it's just-"

"You like that girl." She blankly states.


"You like that girl. I can tell."


"Let me guess," she starts. "You've liked her for a while now but she has a boyfriend and you never go out because you're just so depressed that you couldn't get her so your friends set you up on a blind date because they want you to go out."

My eyes bug. "How did you know?"

She chuckles. "I may know the feeling..."

I look at her sympathetically. "Love sucks."

I nod. "It does."

"Well," she puts her hand on top of mine. "At least we have wonderful friends to help us through it."

I smile and she returns it.

"I'm sorry Aleisha, I really am. It's just, well you understand. I just don't know what comes over me when I'm close to her."

She nods. "I understand. I'm the same way."

"I'm just... such a screw up!" I placed my head in my hands.

She places a hand on my shoulder. "No you're not Luke. You're just simply a victim of the lovebug. It's part of life. But in the end, all of it will be worth it."

I look up at her and she's smiling.

She such a great girl.

I don't know what's coming over me, but I have a sudden feeling of confidence. So I take advantage of the moment. I smash my lips onto hers.

She made me forget about Izzy. She made me feel right. Maybe this date was a good idea.

She's taken by my action, but soon adapts to my her lips on mine.

When we break apart, she looks deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure you want a relationship Luke? You just were telling me about that girl."

I nod my head not even thinking about it. I intertwine our fingers. "You make me forget about her. And you make me feel better about myself."

She smiles. "Well I'm glad."

We get up and walk around town for the rest of the night. We laugh and get to know each other. She tells me about the guy she loved, Sam. And I told her about Izzy.

Once I walk her home to her door, I kiss her goodnight.

Walking back to my house I think about it.

Tonight was my first kiss, and it was with Aleisha. And for some reason, I'm glad it wasn't with anyone else.


Noooo!! #TEAMIZZY lol. We have a new fanfic it's called Hope. It would be amazing if you read it.

-Rachel xx

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