two | the party

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I shouldn't have come here.

I should have ran as soon as Olivia's red Audi pulled up on my block. Though thinking back, this probably wouldn't have been an option, my sisters—Nwamaka and Uche—would've physically constrained me. They spent far too long picking the perfect outfit for me and beating my face.

This is why I'm sitting, my butt squeaking against the leather seat my hand on the door lock, daring Olivia to try drag me out into the wild.

Taylor Mason's house was no joke, the driveway was about nine cars deep and his home screamed wealth. Oh and, 'my mom's really into interior design.'

Olivia narrows her eyes stalking me like a predator their prey. Kody is pretending not to witness this scene but his lips betray his forced cool. "We've been in here for twenty minutes."

"Twenty blissful minutes!" There was no way in hell I'd willingly inflict what was the Rosevelt social scene upon myself.

"Adanna one hour max." Kody pleads from the passenger seat, he faces me, irresistible puppy eyes on full blast.

"Fine," I say taking a moment to compose myself as Olivia unlocks the door. "One hell-filled hour." Olivia rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically, but we both know she feels like a proud mom escorting me to my first Rosevelt party.

Okay, to tell you the truth, I lied.

This isn't my first Rosevelt party, I've been to loads: kiddie parties I was invited to after joining Rosevelt sophomore year, all of Kody's and regretfully Tara's, the little 'get togethers' the stoners had which Uche dragged me to and who could forget, the open invite pool parties Maya Reyes throws every year. But I've never been to a party like this.

No this, this is like every highschool party movie cliche conglomerated into one big fuck-fest. Maybe literally, I may have to avoid the upstairs bedroom if the rumour mill is any accurate.

I'm wearing zebra print flares that hug my legs and actually make me look curvy paired with a tasteful joy division graphic tee which Nwamaka knotted at the front. No, I don't listen to their music but Uche gave me a pass since it is her shirt after all. My platform docs make me even taller than I already am and also oddly powerful. I consider the logistics of stomping on Olivia then making a run for it.

Olivia grabs my arm briefly before pecking Kody on the cheek. "I'm going to find Maya, she's having an outfit malfunction. I'll catch up with y'all later." I watch her and her suede dress dance further into the party before she is inhaled by the crowd.

"Why weren't you at school yesterday?" I ask nudging Kody's arm gently.

"I had stuff," he nudges me back, "to think about and figure out. Just a whole lot of stuff." I know better than to pry further, Kody comes to me when he's ready, always.

He clucks his tongues. "So how's student council elections?" I brief him on my meeting with Mr. Carter.

"So any tips on how I can become insanely possible overnight, brainbox?"

"I dunno you could try blackmailing the student body," he suggests but all I can focus on is his dazzling smile. Remember how I said I was over Kody? Well I may have lied, again. I didn't mean to lie, it's just my brain and ovaries couldn't come a final decision and there's only so much I can do.

The Art of HighschoolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora