voicemail | erica

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9th September;

"Hello! You've reached the voicemail of Lamar Johnson, Corporate Executive of Langston Heights. I'm currently either away from my desk or on the other line. Please leave your name, telephone number, and a short message after the beep, and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I'm available."

"Hey Dad, It's Erica." 

Erica stares at the cold landline in her hands, her aunt was timing her phone call. Things had become a lot stricter since the incident. Her curfew was so small that she didn't even bother going out anymore. The hardest part was transferring schools, after moving in with her aunt and her aunt's boyfriend they had all come to the decision that Rosevelt High was no longer an option.

"I just want you to let Kody know that I'm... okay. Tell him that I'm fine—he no longer needs to worry." Erica gulped, her aunty had entered room meaning her 5 minutes were nearly up. "I just really want to hear you, Kody and moms voice again. Call me back, please."

Aunt Jemimah leaned against the doorframe, folding her arms and sending Erica a pitying smile. "I'm sorry, you know the rules." 

Erica let out a sigh, "I love you guys."

She hung up.

The Art of HighschoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora