God's Fingerprint

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We are all a part of God's image.
Look at your hand.
Now look at the other.
From a distance, they just look like hands.
But you know each one serves a purpose, each one can do something special- together they can create wonders.
There are various parts; the thumbs, fingers, nails, & knuckles.
Now, Look at your fingerprint.
. . . . Look closer
You will see the ridges and the swirls that are unique to only you.
If you used a microscope- on the surface you would see specs of sand and scratches.
Underneath you would see life.
No two areas are the same, but bound together, every nanometer makes up the whole.
A whole useful finger, hand, arm, body, human.
No two humans are the same, individually we are unique.
Together, we make up the whole of humanity and serve many purposes.
Purposes we are free to define.
And yet, we are but specs on God's fingerprint ....


Found a verse related to this-
Isaiah 49:16

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