Dark Link

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Sorry in advance for any of you that like this character. I just don't see him being a nice person so he's not going to be nice in this.

None of the Pasta's like him. He is known for being rude to all of them. Some examples are: pushing Sally down a small staircase because she was 'too slow', saying rude things to Smiley because of his autism, and once broke a doll Vine had made on purpose. Vine had worked on it for a while, and was on his way to show Jason (who wanted to see it) before giving it to Sally. Dark purposefully tried to make him mad, but Vine ignored him. Annoyed, Dark grabbed the doll it off his hands and threw it. This resulted in Vine crying and on the verge of a breakdown and Gale and to slit his throat. The only reason he's still allowed on the mansion of because he's really good at his job.

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