Loki x Reader Part 1

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You stand beside Thor and watch as Agent Romanoff interrogates Loki. You turn away in disgust at the methods the inhabitants of Midgard use.

"She's not getting through to him Thor, surely you must realize this." You said, turning to look at him, a slight frown on your face.

"We must obey their laws (y/n)."

"Thor you must see sense, she is only making the situation worse. A fool could see that!" You shout, frustrated at Thor's lack of cooperation.

"Must I remind you to keep your feelings for Loki locked away." You turn and glare at Thor.

"It is not a crime to love Thor! Before the all father banished me, and I was covering for you remember, Loki was stable then you father lost his bloody marbles!"

"Do not speak ill of my father in my presence (y/n)."

"I am no longer part of Asgard, Thor. I shall do as I please." With that said you storm out of the room and away from Thor. Your heart ached for Loki, but you knew he was not the same man he was when you fell in love with him, many centuries have passed since then.

Walking along the corridor you pass the red headed agent as she walks down the hall. One thought enters your mind. Loki. Looking around you, you quickly make your way to Loki's prison of glass. Opening the door you walk in slowly and you notice that Loki has his back to you. It has been so long since you have seen him with your own eyes.

"Loki." You whisper his name so gently and lovingly. You watch as he slowly turns to face you.

"(Y/n)." He breathes, he presses his hand up against the glass. Cautiously you walk up the ramp towards Loki's prison. Slowly you lift your hand up to his. Where Loki's hand is placed the glass is warm.

"What has become of you?"

"Dark things have happened since you left, (y/n). I found out who I really am. That I came from Jotunheim." He said, his face full of disgust.

"Your lineage does not define who you are, Loki. Remember that."

With a sigh he leans his forehead agaist the glass.

"I have missed you so in my exile, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you."

"After all this time and after everything I have done, you still love me?"

"Yes, I will always love you Loki. Nothing can change that." You whisper while staring into his eyes.

"Get me out of here (y/n)."

"I don't know if I can, my powers have been weak for so long Loki, I don't think I'm strong enough."

"No matter, I'll wait for my plan to take action, unleashing their monster."

You step away from the cell as he reveals this information to you. You shake your head in disappointment at the fact that he his willing to risk so many short lives for his own gain. Just so that he can feel better about himself, like a true bully. He was once the victim now he is the bully.

"Loki you can't. You will kill many innocent lives. Must you forget that they do not live as long as we do?"

"Don't you dare talk to me as if I was a mere child (y/n). I have seen things that you couldn't possibly comprehend." He snarls.

"What of the children Loki!? Would you have them killed as ours was!?" You yell, stepping up to his prison and slamming your fists against it.

"I told you never to bring that up again!"

"I can't pretend that my little boy with blue eyes and black hair didn't exist! I can't do it anymore! I die, everyday knowing that I can't hold him in my arms!" You scream at him, "I am dying, Loki."

Slowly you slip down the side of his prison, you feel as though someone is draining the life from you. You don't have the will to fight anymore, there is nothing to fight for.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!?" Loki yells as you don't respond.

"I can't watch mothers go through the pain that I went through, Loki. It isn't fair." Loki kneels down on the ground in front of you.

"We will get through this, (y/n). We can try again." His voice pleading.

"You have been taken prisoner, Loki. There is no hope." Your voice is distant as you lean against the side of Loki's prison. He starts to ramble but the noise fades into the background. You can just hear the deep sound of his voice and feel the vibrations of him banging against the glass, trying to get you to focus.

Slowly your eyes start to droop and your hand slips from the glass. The last thing you hear is Loki screaming your name in dispair.

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