Nick Fury x Reader

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"Fury?" You whisper, looking at him as you both are pressed up on the opposite sides of the wall in a small in room.

"Yes Agent (y/l/n)?" He turns to look at you his gun raised to the door.

"We aren't going to make it, are we?"

"Don't talk so negatively Agent, I'm surprised you have lived as long as you have with that attitude." He said with a frown. A scowl forms on your face.

"Not all of us can seem so emotionless, Director. You're like a bloody zombie." You said with a slight smirk on your face. Another round of bullets it the door that separates yourself and Nick from the enemy.

"Well you should have thought of that before you agreed to marry me." He retorted back while firing at the door. You smile while in thought, you did agree to marry Nick and your wedding was less then a month away. There were times that you wanted nothing more than to strangle him yourself, but you loved his annoyingly rough personality.

"You should have thought about my pessimist side before you proposed." You smirk at him.

"Touche, but that's one of the reasons that I love you."

"I love you as well." You whisper, the sound of the bullets hitting the door gets louder, at this stage, you fear that you might die. Looking around the room you notice a vent in the wall behind Nick. It's just big enough for you to get through.

"The vent, Nick. If I can crawl through it to a room with a receiver then I can call for backup, its our only chance." He glances at the vent then nods his head. Rushing over you pull the gate of the vent off.

"Just remember to be careful." He said while grabbing you around the waist and pulling you towards him. He leans down and kisses your left temple, ever so softly.

Ären't I always?" You ask while stepping out of his embrace and climbing into the vent.

"No, you're as bad as Tony." He said with a sigh. Shaking your head you crawl along the narrow path. You steadily crawl along and you listen for other movements besides your own. To your left a vent opens up, peering through the gaps it seems to be clear.

Pushing the gate aside it lands on the floor with a loud clatter, wincing slightly you lower yourself to the ground gently. Landing on the balls of your feet you stand up and glance around the room until your eyes spot the receiver. Running over to it you grab and push the red button and the sirens in the building start to go off, alerting all agents on and off duty that they are needed at SHIELD.

Grabbing the hand held receiver you back away from the table and the door is kicked down and the enemy comes smashing through. Pulling out your gun you aim and fire, hitting a man at the base of his throat. The enemy fires and it seems as though time has slowed down and you stagger at the impact of a bullet. Dropping your gun and the receiver your hands fly up to your bullet wound just above the valley of your breasts.

'This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm supposed to get married.' You think and you slowly sink to your knees, trying to take in as much air as possible. You land on your back with a thud and you vision starts to cloud over, in the corner of your eye you see the receiver to your right. Reaching over slightly you grab the receiver tightly in your right hand and hold it to your chest.

You fade in and out of consciousness. Reality seems to have no meaning in your current state. You don't know how much time has past as you've been bleeding out, but sometime later you hear Nicks' voice over the receiver asking for a report from all agents. Blinking away tears you hold the side button on the receiver down and lift it up to your pale cracked lips.

"Agent, down. Sorry Nick." You just manage to whisper before releasing the button and your coughing fit starts. A small stream of blood leaks out of the side of your mouth. You hear him yelling through the receiver asking where you are but you can't find the strength to reply. You hear various voices over the receiver but you can't make out what they are saying, it all sounds like white noise.

You close your eyes and fade into unconsciousness, your breathing becoming laboured. A faint noise in the background is all you can hear awhile later and you feel someone gently shaking your shoulder. Slowly you open your eyes and you stare into the blue eyes of Steve Rogers. He leans over you and picks up the receiver and holds it to his mouth.

"Fury, I've found her, but she doesn't look good. You're going to need a medical team here on the third room from the weaponry room, ASAP." For you it felt like hours but it reality it was only minutes before Nick arrived beside you. You turn your head to look up at him, your body shaking slightly.

"It's cold, why am I so cold?" You said with tears in your eyes. You notice Steve move away from you and others start to surround you. Your vision starts to swim again and it gets harder to breathe. The last thing you see is Nicks' sorrowful face, before you black out.

You wake up to the steady beeping of a heart monitor. Opening your eyes you wince at the bright light. Looking around you see Nick sitting to your left on a chair beside your bed. You notice how uncomfortable he looks sleeping in such a small chair. Wincing in pain you reach over and grab his hand and you hold firmly in your left hand, not wanting to let him go.

"I don't think I've ever been in so much pain before." You mumble to yourself and you start to feel drowsy again. At the sound of your voice Nick starts to wake up.

"Hey sleepy head." You whisper to him and a soft smile graces his lips. Leaning over you he kisses your forehead.

"I can't believe you were so reckless, (y/n). You nearly died twice on the way to the hospital." He said, a firm scowl set in place.

"But I didn't, after all I still have a wedding to attend." You said with a slight smirk.

"Go back to sleep, your exhausted." He said, "I'll be here when you wake up, always."

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