Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Your eyes sting as you lie awake in your bed, cold and alone. You refuse to cry, to give into the pain in your soul, or what's left of it. The sheets wrapping around your body to give you what little warmth you generate. It's been months since you've had him home in your arms and you miss him terribly. It's as though you have apart of yourself missing, and you don't know how to get it back.

There are some days where it feels that it was only yesterday when you laid eyes on him for the very first time.


You absentmindedly stare outside the diners window only to see it was still raining. No one was walking along the streets. The sky was dark and unwelcoming, even to the darkest of people.

"This rain is never going to stop." You said with a sigh and rested your cheek in your right hand as you continue to stare out the window. You watch as the droplets roll down the glass and pool at the bottom of the windowpane. You knew you should have brought an umbrella or at least you should have worn a damn jumper.

"Sorry doll, mind if I sit here?" You barely register the person as you wave for him to go ahead and take a seat. Your mind drifts off as you ignore the guy sharing your booth. Your thoughts drift to your grandparents and spending holidays with them as a family. The family game nights and family meals were always special to you. A small smile graces your face, softening your features slightly. Yes, these were good memories, light memories with no pain.

Startled out of your thoughts you turn your head to look at the stranger, your eyes narrow slightly in annoyance.

"What was that?" Your voice comes out calm with a hint of a bite to it. You notice he shifts awkwardly to the left, as if he's preparing to make an escape.

"I had asked if you would like a drink." He said while rubbing the back of his neck with the faintest hint of a sheepish smile on his lips. Your mouth opens and closes as you try to understand what his motive could possibly be. You stare at his face, trying to discern if he's just being genuine. Slowly your face softens again and a hint of a smile graces your lips.

"If the offer still stands I would like a hot chocolate, thanks." Your voice comes out softer in comparison to your earlier words. You tilt your head slightly in your palm as you watch for his reaction.

"Sure thing doll." You weren't expecting the smile he sent your way. It was open and beautiful, oh so beautiful.

End Flashback

Tears well up in your eyes as you think of James. You grab onto his pillow and hold it tight to your chest, trying to breathe in the remnants of his scent. Trying to blink the tears away you realise its a futile effort as they trail their way down past your cheeks and collect at your chin.

What hurt you the most was that there was no note, nothing to set your mind at ease. All of his belongings are still in the small apartment, mixing with yours. At first it didn't bother you he was gone because at times he would disappear for a week at a time and you didn't ask questions about it. There are some parts of his life hidden and you accepted that he wasn't going to share that pain with you.

But, he's been gone for 2 months and still nothing, you don't even know if he's alive. You've reported it to the police and nothing has come of it and it seems the more you go to the police the less they do.

You were so desperate and filled with worry you tried to hunt down his best friend Steve, but that was a dead end. You couldn't understand why he was untraceable, he was supposed to be James's emergency contact. You start to sob into the pillow, angry tears now forging a path on your grief stricken face.

Now you are left alone, clinging onto the memories and the hope that maybe, just maybe, he'll come home. Alive.

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