17 - Changing fate

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'nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono. this can't be happining. I made a promise that we would be happy. I promised that when we reunited we would have the best day of our lives. This is way to early. I only have 9 out of the thirteen components. I still need 4 mor-'


Before your brother could finish his sentence you teleported to hell then back to fighting Bakugo. You lunge at him along with the rest of the villains, but stop midway. Hima looks to you, quite confused.

"I can't use my quirk..." You say holding up your hands. Bakugo saw through this white lie, unlike your other idiotic friends, and noticed that you really where trying to help him. Hima nodded, then continued to attack Bakugo.

You took a couple steps back to watch the scene unfold. Bakugo held his own against Hima, Twice, Spinner, Compress, and Magne. They weren't using their full strength because they need the boy alive and undamaged. Their main goal in the moment was to knock him out, but blasty over there played one hell of a defense.

You thought it was about time to get back in on the fake fighting to make this look convincing, but a huge glacier of ice got in your way. The ice was followed by a big blast in the wall, and then 3 figures appeared. The green fluff boi, lame engine boi, and Ejiro.

You looked to Bakugo and nodded, signaling him to go. He blasted off, leaving the rest of you behind. Ejiro let out his hand and shouted something.


"KUROGIRI AND DABI ARE BO-...Y/N?" Spinner asked, looking towards you.

"Sorry I still cant use my quirk!" You lie back.

"Compress over here." Magne calls. He quickly jogs over, then Magne launches him in the air with her quirk.

Compress was aiming straight at them, but before he could grab any of them you used your quirk and redirected him into Mt. Lady's face. You slightly smiled, and while Bakugo was looking back he saw it.

'so she really wasn't lying huh?'  He thought, then turned his attention back to his rescue. They flew across the city, and landed on a building with an explosion from Bakugo to cushion the fall.

Meanwhile, the fight between All for One and All might was intensifying. All for One shot All might back, slamming him into a building. He then activated one of his many quirks, and a weird thing happened to his fingers. They shot over and into Kurogiri's chest, causing a portal to open up.

Then all of a sudden the males of the group had a weird blueish aura around them. Then they where shot towards Himiko, and into the portal he/Kurogiri created. Shigaraki resisted, but fell into the portal. He then looked down to you.

"Reaper, are you going to join them? You, unlike them can handle yourself." He takes a quick pause. "I am aware of the mastery-planned crimes you have committed, and I acknowledge your presence in the world of villains." You look to him and nod.

"I think I'll stay for the big finale." You reply, hiding something behind your smile. You already assessed the situation, and there was a 69% chance that All for One would loose. In your mind, you understand that All might has an uncanny quirk. He is able to go above and beyond the limits to his quirk, and has done it time and time again. But this time it was different.

Ever since the USJ incident, All might's hero performance has gone down dramatically.  Quirks do naturally weaken overtime, but never this drastic. He was most likely injured, and that somehow affected him. Once you saw All might barge into the hideout, and after you teleported to All for One, you knew a fight was bound to happen. So you had a plan, as always.

'heh, my brain has more then air, memes, and cats in it  ya' know~'

After you said that to All for One, All might came right back towards you both. There was a force of wind, as planned. You then jumped back, pretending to knocked back by the strong gust of wind.

Once you where out of range, you took shelter by one of the buildings. You had a great view of the fight. You where on All might's left, and he could probably see you if he looked your way.

Shit went down, people screamed, police arrived. All might was struggling, but sort of holding his own. All for One let out a huge blast from a combination of quirks. One looked like a friggan cyborg with a op arm, and the other looked like a fish carcass. Guess who looks like what.

All might was in his smol form, holding his fist up to All for One. He was near his final limit. You watched eagerly, hoping you wouldn't have to intervene. He then stumbles a bit...never a good sign. Endevor then shouts to All might.

"Whats with that shrimp body? Be a real hero, THE NUMBER ONE HERO!" He shouted, words that where somewhat encouragement. Other heroes started saving people from around the battle scene.

"Yea, we can't beat that guy, but the least we could do is help!" A hero shouts. The other heroes agree. "So..."

"BEAT HIM, ALL MIGHT!!" It seemed the entire world screamed that short but meaningful sentence. Time to put your plan into action.

You held out your hands, but so All for One couldn't see them. A glow surrounded your hands while you activated your healing quirk. It could reach from short to medium distances. All might's eyes widened at the sudden surge of power welling through him. He glanced over to the source and saw you.

'So she is or isn't a villain? She was with All for One back there...But why is she helping me?'  All might looked to you confused but in a non suspicious way. You noticed he looked to you, so you raised a finger up to your mouth and gestured him to keep quiet.

'whatever her reasons are, they seem to be effecting me in the positive way. I feel re-energized...but this wont last long, that's for sure.' He turned back to All for One, and yeeted himself towards him once again.

They fought very aggressively, like pidgins would over gluten free bread crumbs. The back and fourth lasted about 4 minutes before All might pinned All for One to the ground.

"UNTIED STATES OF SMAAAAAASHHHHHHHH!" All might shouted, right before landing the final blow. All for One sat there lifelessly on the gound. All might stood up in his smol form, then transformed into his muscle form, with his fist raised.

Faint cheers where heard in the background, as helicopters and vans moved in.  You gae a soft smile, knowing that your future sensei was still alive. All might turned towards you, and looked directly into your eyes.

You held up your index finger to your mouth once again with a grim look, then teleported away. All might didn't know what to make of the situation. A top rank villain helping the top hero then disappearing without a trace, and they want him to keep the secret. Even though all the trouble he could get in, he decieded to keep the secret. And will tell when nessesary.

_Back to the rescue team_

"SHE DID WHAT?" Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Midoriya asked, clearly suprised. Todoroki wasn't paying much attention but he was listening, while Kirishima was still lost in thought about his 'reunion' with his sister.

"Yea she let me go." Bakugo stated bluntly.

"On purpose?" Yaoyorozu asked, still suprised.

"Yea. She said that-

'"Dont tell anyone about my personal plans please."'  Your voice ecohed through his head.

"... she would make a few slip ups and would let me go." Kirishima was finally caught out of his thought, and the listened in to Bakugo. "Apparently she said that we would be good friends if she wasent playing villain..or somthing like that."

"S-She said that?" The group of students turned to look at the gloomy boy before them. He noticed what he said, then shook his head trying to dismiss the question he asked.

"wait Kirishima why where you talking to that villain person in the first place?" Midoriya asked. Kirishima froze in his spot, eyes wide. Could he tell them?

"she's m-my..."

"She is the little sister that I thought I lost."

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