9 - Hurt

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"PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" You heard Mei's muffled screams from your living room. It hurt your heart, to trap sombody up like this. Usually on missions you had little trouble killing off 1 or 2 guards, but this time...It hurts. It hurts bad.

Yes, sure after every mission you had some regrets about ruining someone's day by breaking into a facility, but it was for family. And family always comes first. Afterwards you always had your doubts, but the pain wasn't this bad.

Then It slapped you right across the face. You actually got to know this girl, spend time with her. But you stabbed her in the back. You walk over to the saferoom and lean your back against the door.

"Mei..." You start, and take a deep breath. "This is the only way for me to reach my dream. If I could have it any other way, I would. I hate the idea of keeping a captive, but...its for him."

You could tell she was confused, but still very mad.

"Its just that...When I saw your file, if anyone could build the device, its you. I mean like, you had an A+ in every subject, and its hardly been a month of school! I saw you in action too..." You drift off. "Listen, Mei, the sooner you help me with this the sooner I ca-

"I'll help you." The voice echoed in your mind, you didnt expect her to say that. "I know the feeling of desperation, and I want to get you out of it. Its not the best thing, you make the most costing decisions."

"Thank you...Mei. I'll return the favor weather you want it or not." You start to tear up, but you wipe away the tears before they could fall.

"If my asumption is correct, you are Reaper...right?" You hum in response. "And, correct me if I am wrong, I have to make a machine that includes the Gems you stole?" You hum again, and she continues. "What does the machine do exactly?"

"It raises the dead, for one day. 5 lifeforms tops per person." You answer, without hessitation. You hear a gasp on the other side of the wall. "They wont come back as zombies, dont worry I am not starting the apocolyps." You chuckle.

"Who are you reviving?" She asked.


"ah, its personal, ill tell you another time." You respond. "The blueprints on the table are instructed to the simplest form, so it is pretty much impossible to mess up. These where created by my freind LuLu."

"So LuLu isn't your name?" She asked.

"No...Its y/n." You mumble, just loud enogh to get to her ears. She makes a mental note of that in her brain.

"A-Anyways, Not all the gems are in my posession yet, only the seven in that room. I am going tp get my hands on them soon, so you wont be in here for long." You asure her. "I'll be right back."

You quickly dash to your mini theater, and grab one of the 6 mini fridges. You stuff the fridge with frozen foods, cold cuts, fruits and veggies, and snacks. Then you take your microwave and unplug it. You then teleport to hell, then to the inside of the safe room. Mei jumps back, startled.

You place the mini fridge down, next to an outlit, and plug it in. You then take the microwave and place it ontop of the fridge and plug it in as well. You then turn to Mei.

"If there is anything you would like to eat, then let me know." You then point up to the digital clock on the wall. "I return home at aroud 10:00 every night, unless I feel tired. I am going to keep you company until the project is finshed, so you wont be alone. Oh, when I get back I will furnish this place so it will feel more comfy!" You sai with a cheery voice.

"Nice, I always wanted an experiance living on my own!" She said, kinda in a happy tone.

"Well I have to leave for now, when I get back we will have an ice cream eating contest followed by a try not to laugh challenge!" You cheer. She gives you a thumbs up, then sits on the rolling chair and gets to work. You then teleport away, leaving Mei to work on the machine. Lucifer made the blueprints right before your mission for the Albino Emerald, so they haven't been there for a while.

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