4 - Flames

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Your thoughts where interrupted by a loud noise.


The noises echoed through the room for a split second, then the celing fell.

"What the fu-"

It came down on you at the speed of sound, you couldnt avoid it. The debree went up in purple and blood red flames. You popped your head out from under the rubble, while your quirk healed the new open wounds. You then lifted up your dominant arm.

"What the fuck is happening?" you grumbled as you extended your fingers. You activated your quirk, sending a black puff of smoke to your hands and then a scythe started appearing out of the smoke. You remember back to what Lucifer had told you while showing you around hell.

"If you want, you can cuztomize the sythe in a way, for example the scythe could have built in features where if you swung it a gun would shoot or somthin. Get creative." What he said rolled around in your head, then you thought of an idea.

"Well, lets give this bitch a shot!" You cackled, transfroming your scythe. The black smoke dissepeared in a flash, and in your hand was a sythe decorated with dynamite along the stem of it. you took a swing, then an explosion emmited from the scythe, freeing you. You chuckled on how easy that was. then;

A scream of bloody murder. A female scream was heard, a familiar scream. That scream belonged to your mother. Your mind instantly went to the possibilitys of what could have happend.

Hearing the scream, your body bolted into the living room, to only be met with a room being eaten up by purple and red flames. Two figures were in the middle of the fire.










Your aunt and uncle.

They where laying face down to the fluffy carpet of the living room, with your uncle's arm over your aunt's head. seeing this, you ran over to them, with a bunch of questions flowing through your mind.

'What happened to them? Where is mom? Why is this happening? Is anybody hurt? Did I do something? Who is doing this to us? Are they going to die? Where is dad? Are the rest of my family ok? Why? Why? Why?'

Your uncle wasent moving. Nor was your aunt. You shook them, not wanting to except fate. The smoke was getting closer to the ground, only somone your hight could walk normally. The fire didn't die down. Tears where sreaming down your face, as you let coughs and wheezes out(not the good kind). Then you heard a voice. Your brother's voice.

"y-y/n...y/n...y-y-y/n??" he said in a panic, shuffling around. He then spotted you, over your dead aunt and uncle. He saw you and ran over, tears falling down his rosy red cheeks. "W-we ha-ave to g-get o-out of h-he-here, y/n-n." he tugged on your sleve, but stopped as he saw his uncle and aunt's lifeless limbs on the floor.

"A-Auntie N...U-U-Uncle Aki-imi?" he sniffed, tears spewing out of his eyes now. He dropped to his rugburnned knees, shaking their arms just as you did. When this happened, you snapped back into reality. You grabbed your brother's arm, but he didnt move.

"W-We can't j-just le-ve them h-here y-y/n." he whined. You saw and understood the situation you were in well. If you and your brother tried to carry them out, you would all be stuck in there and have lost you lives. So, you had be the good little sister, and flee the house now.

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