Meeting Him

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*** LOOK ON THE SIDE FOR SOME NOUIS GOODNESS! Just look at the way Lou looks at him... asdfghjkl. Nouis feels. That is all. ***

A/N: Hello, I'm Charlotte (HoransCupcake), the other writer of this account. I hope you guys enjoyed Haleigh's part because it was seriously brilliant, and a great start to this story. :)

This is my chapter. I hope it's not too boring as I've had quite a lot of writers block lately, but this was a load of fun to write. Friendly criticism is VERY welcome, along with any other feedback.

Niall's P.O.V

I observe this flawless creature march in with a confident stride. He's quite tall, around 5'9, with side swept hair. His hair's the shade of light bronze, but his eyes are what draw me in and immediately catch my attention. They're dangerously beautiful. Dark blue coloured eyes that seem to hug your own orbs, and somehow, they shine.

My eyes next roam to his body and outfit. His outfit is stylish, yet cute and casual. Nothing I could pull off without looking attractive, though. He's wearing a stripy shirt, beige chinos that hug him well (if you know what I mean) and some toms on his feet. Red suspenders are slung over both of his broad shoulders, making him appear childlike and somehow more adorable. He moves quickly and gracefully, without not even tripping once, unlike me. It's a constant battle for me not to trip over my own two feet.

I'm not the only one in awe of this angel, though. I twist around in my seat to see Liam and Danielle gazing at this man. My eyes flicker past Harry, who's sitting rather close next to Eleanor. Eleanor's leaning forward to get a closer glimpse of this man, and ignoring Harry altogether.

I struggle to hold back a chuckle at the sight of Harry practically pouting at Eleanor. My attention turns back to the graceful man, who appears to be in at least his twenties.

My eyes scan over the light stubble growing on his chin, but I soon snap out of my 'daydream' when the man clears his throat and starts to call out the attendance roll. He's got a Doncaster accent, making his words softer and more polished to listen to. I can tell he's careful about trying not to mispronounce anyone's name. That's when I really snap back to reality. 

I finally see a cute boy and he's my teacher. UGH.

Can I even feel this way about a teacher?

How can I even think about feeling this way about a teacher?

It's rather wrong, and scandalous.

I shake my head lightly in an attempt to clear my head. One quick glance towards him confirms my feelings and I force my eyes to stay on his face and not down trail down his athletic body. Which if you've every tried to do, is a very hard task.

Wait, what?

Niall, snap out of it right now! I shout at myself, while alarms go off loudly in my head. You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

''Niall Horan?'' The minute my name escapes his lips, my throat goes dry, forming a lump and all students turn to gawk at me, waiting for my answer. I stick out like a sore thumb amongst all of them, with my dirty blonde hair, crooked teeth and obnoxious loud accent.

''Uh, I'm here.'' I manage to squeak, making the class, as well as this stranger erupt into loud laughter. Not too long after, a blush manages to sneak its way onto my pale cheeks and I look down at the table, feeling slightly humiliated.

''How did all you sneaky buggers manage to get an Irish one here?!'' The teacher exclaims, charming us all at once. Before I can stop myself, I'm in hysterics, leaning over on my desk and laughing like a lunatic. The teacher doesn't look alarmed at all, he looks rather pleased that he can make me laugh.

Scandalous Love(Nouis AU Teacher/Student)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum