Sabrina Blackburry - Mentor

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Also known as SabrinaBlackburry on Wattpad, I have been writing for nearly a decade. My passions include paranormal romance, high fantasy, and fantasy romance. I'm in the Wattpad Paid Stories program and was shortlisted for a Watty in 2018. My writing includes sex, language, violence, magic, and in-depth scheming antagonists. If you have any hesitations of submitting your work because of adult content, don't worry! Not only do I write it, I read it. I'm also a big advocate for healthy content like consent, confident women, and male characters who show emotion.When I'm not writing, I'm a plant loving, blanket cocooned, coffee addict from Missouri. My other hobbies include baking, sewing Renaissance fair costume pieces, and tabletop RPGs. I look forward to meeting the mentees!




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