I ended the call I turned off the TV and left the living room I ran upstairs to Stefan's room I grabbed my purse. I walked back downstairs I left the house I walked across the street I climbed into the car I put the key into the ignition and started the engine and drove away. When I arrived at Caroline's house on Hudson Street, I parked in front of the house I spotted Irma walk out of the house she climbed into the passenger seat I drove away. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, stopping at a stop sign. 

Irma shook her head and wiped her eyes I decided to leave her alone until she wanted to talk, I continued to drive home. When we arrived home, I parked across the street and walked up the front step Irma unlocked the front door and opened it I followed her inside the house I closed the door behind us and locked it. I took my purse back upstairs to Stefan's room I left the room I walked back downstairs and entered the kitchen Irma came into the kitchen. 

"Can I have wine?" 

"No because you're not twenty-one to drink we can drink green tea out of a wine glass instead." 

"Okay." She replied. 

I grabbed two wine glasses and grabbed the jug of green tea and poured it into the wine glasses I handed Irma her glass I grabbed my glass we sat down at the island. 

"Can we talk?" 


"Caroline kicked Carly, Alice, Rose, Samantha, and I out of her party because we aren't attending Catholic High and to top it all off Caroline stole my boyfriend, I told her that she can have him." Irma sniffled. 

"Sounds like he went willingly." I said, taking a drink of my green tea. 

"I tried calling Stefan, but it went to voicemail that's when I called you." She said. 

I made lunch for Irma and I we were eating lunch when we heard the front door open. 

"I'm back." 

"In the kitchen with Irma."

Stefan came into the kitchen he joined us at the island. 

"Thanks for answering your phone when I called glad, I wasn't in trouble or danger Liz came to get me!!" Irma shouted, rising from the stool and leaving the kitchen. 

"Are you pissed at me as well?" Stefan asked. 

"Depends are you going to tell me where you've been all day." 


"Then yes I'm pissed off at you. Happy now?" I hissed. 

When I was finished eating, I walked over to the sink and washed up the lunch dishes I felt Stefan snake his arms around my waist. 

"Leave me alone Stefan!" 

I placed the dishes on the drainboard I broke out of his embrace I dried my hands with the dish towel and left the kitchen. I walked upstairs and checked on Irma; she's laying on her bed listening to Ice Nine Kills. Stefan came up the stairs he took me by the hand and led me into his room and closed the door. 

"We need to talk." 

"About what?" 

I sat down on the edge of the bed and laid back on the bed I felt sleepy Stefan sat down on the bed and laid back beside me. 

"Are you alright?" Stefan asked worried. 

"I ate a sandwich for lunch and now I feel sleepy." I yawned. 

I snuggled up beside Stefan not caring that I'm pissed at him and fell asleep. When I woke up my head was laying on his chest, I lifted my head from his chest and kissed him. 

"I'm sorry that I pissed you off." 

"I'm sorry too." 

"I have a surprise for you on my phone." He smiled, unlocking his phone and handing it to me. 

I took the phone and stared at the screen I was staring at a photo of house and noticed that it said sold. 

"You bought a house?" I asked, handing Stefan back his phone.

"Yes, I bought us a house with a little help from my parents." Stefan said. 

"It's beautiful babe." 

Later on, that evening Stefan and I were hanging out in the living room with his parents and Irma we were watching TV, I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Stefan isn't there something you want to ask Liz." Mrs. McBride smiled at her son. 

"Thanks for reminding me mom." Stefan chuckled nervously. 

Stefan got up off the couch he looked into my eyes as he got down on one knee my hands were starting to shake with nerves. 

"Elizabeth, we have been friends since preschool and have been through so much together will you marry me?" 

"Yes, I'll marry you!" 

Stefan opened the ring box he took out the ring and slid the engagement ring onto my ring finger on my marriage hand. I knelt down on the floor and kissed Stefan; I wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"I love you." I smiled, pulling back in his arms. 

"I love you too." Stefan whispered, gently holding my face in my hands. 

Stefan and I climbed to our feet we left the living room and walked upstairs to his room. Stefan and I walked into the room I sat down on the bed Stefan closed the bedroom and joined me on the bed. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I can't share my happiness with my mom." 

"I'm sorry beautiful." Stefan said, wrapping his arm around my waist. 

"I'm looking forward to living in our new home together." I smiled. 

Stefan and I got ready for bed and climbed into bed he reached over and turned off the lamp. 



"What did you mean that I don't have to be on sacred ground for you to turn me?" I asked curiously. 

"I can take you right now and bite you and you'd be a vampire like me." He explained. 

"What about being bonded to each other for all eternity?" 

"Afraid that doesn't exist vampire marriage works the same as mortal marriage we can divorce and remarry. I promise I will never ask or demand a divorce." Stefan vowed. 

"I promise that I will never ask or demand a divorce as well." I stated. 

I kissed Stefan and rolled over onto my side he slid up behind me and draped his arm across me I drifted off to sleep. 

Daughter Of A Werewolf And Vampire HunterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora