Chapter 17

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The next morning, I drove Irma to Target to get her school supplies while listening to a Korn CD. 

"Liz where can I get my school clothes at?" 

"We can go to Old Navy or Walmart." 

"Can we go to Walmart?" Irma asked. 

"Yeah." I said. 

After Irma and I left Target, we walked to my car I unlocked the trunk and opened it I put the bags inside the trunk and closed it. I climbed behind the wheel I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I drove out of Targets parking lot and drove to Walmart. 

"My friend Caroline isn't happy that me and the rest of our friends chose different high schools." 

"Your friend Caroline will get over it." 

When we arrived at Walmart, I turned into the parking lot and pulled into a parking space and killed the engine I grabbed my purse Irma and I climbed out of the car. We walked up the parking lot and walked inside Walmart I took Irma to the Juniors department and helped her find pants and navy polos for school. 

"What kind of socks do I need?" Irma asked. 

"Navy or grey knee-high socks." I said, reading the uniform list. 

Irma picked out her socks and found shoes for school we headed to the check outline after I paid for Irma's school clothes, we left Walmart and climbed back into the car. I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I slowly backed out of the parking space and drove out of the parking lot. 

"Do you know where the rest of your friends are going for high school?" 

"My friend Carly is going to Patterson high school, Caroline is going to Catholic High, Samantha is going to Poly, Alice is going to Friendship Academy of Science and Technology, and Rose is going to the same school as me and Alice." 

"At least you have Rose and Alice with you." I said. 

"True," Irma smiled, turning on the AC. 

When we arrived home, I parked the car across the street and killed the engine Irma and I climbed out of the car. I unlocked the trunk Irma, and I grabbed the shopping bags from Target, and Walmart I closed the trunk we walked across the street Irma unlocked the front door I followed her inside the house. 

"Liz, I'll take the bags up to my room while you start dinner." 

I sat the rest of the shopping bags by the stairs and headed for the kitchen I grabbed a roasting pan and set it on the counter I walked over to the fridge I took the chicken out of the fridge and sat it in the sink. I cut the plastic wrapped around the chicken and removed the sack from inside the chicken and rinsed it out. I seasoned the chicken with Season All, I placed the chicken in the roasting pan and washed my hands and dried them. 

"Liz would you like some help?" Irma asked. 

"Yes, please can you drop the oven door?" I said, putting water in the bottom of the pan. 

"You forgot to turn on the oven I turned it on for you." 

"Thank you,"

When the oven was hot enough Irma dropped the oven door down, I slid the roasting pan into the oven and closed the oven door. A few minutes later Irma and I heard Mrs. McBride come into the house. 

"Hi. girls," Mrs. McBride smiled, entering the kitchen. 

"Hey mom." Irma said. 

"Liz dinner smells good." 

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