Chapter 18

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The next morning when I woke up Stefan was still sound asleep behind me with his arm draped across me. 

"Stefan, your late for work!!" I said alarmed. 

"No, I'm not my dad sent everyone home because the car dealership and other businesses have no power." Stefan mumbled, half asleep. 

"I get to spend the day with my handsome vampire boyfriend." 

"I'm all yours for the whole day," 

Stefan kissed the center of my back I felt heat rise up on my cheeks I rolled over facing him. 

"I love you." I smiled. 

"I love you." Stefan smirked. 

I leaned in and kissed him Stefan held me closer against his body. 

"Babe can we just be lazy today?" 

"I don't see why not." 

Stefan kissed me and climbed out of bed. 

"Where are you off to?" I asked. 

"I need a sack of blood," He said, leaving the room. 

He came back into the room carrying a tray I sat up in bed Stefan sat the tray on the bed and joined me on the bed. 

"I figured we could have breakfast in bed." 

"Sounds lovely," 

Stefan made bacon and eggs as we were eating breakfast, he was playing on his phone which he never does.

"I have an errand to run after breakfast." Stefan said. 

"Would you like me to go with you?" I asked. 

"No thank you baby." 

When Stefan and I were finished eating I took the tray back downstairs I walked into the kitchen and washed up the dishes I heard Stefan leave the house. 

"Where's Stefan going in such a hurry?" Irma asked, entering the kitchen. 

"I have no idea besides he was acting weird." I said, drying the plates and putting them back into the cupboard. 

I left the kitchen I walked back upstairs and got dressed I walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom, I made the bed. I lounged on the bed reading one of the books I got at Target. 

"Did Stefan say where he was going?" 

"Nope all he said to me was that he had an errand to run after breakfast." 

"What did you mean that he was acting weird?" Irma asked curiously. 

"Stefan was playing on his phone while we were having breakfast which is something that he never does." I explained. 

"I'm going over to Caroline's for a pool party your more than welcome to come." 

"No, thank you." 

Irma walked away I went back to reading my book I had a hard time staying into the book because my mind kept wondering what Stefan was doing. I closed the book with a sigh I got up off the bed and left the room I walked downstairs. I walked into the living room I sat down on the couch and watched TV, I heard Irma leave the house. Later on, that afternoon my cellphone was ringing I reached into the front pocket of my denim shorts and pulled out my cellphone. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Liz, can you please come get me?" Irma asked in a wobbly voice. 

"I'm on my way," 

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