The Draconian Resistance

Start bij het begin

I sighed. I wondered why the US DID double cross me after I'd basicly given them my entire life as a human and I wondered what I'd done to end up on a kill list, but to be honest I didn't care and didn't want to know so I dropped the whole thing. I picked up the menu and started looking at the items. I saw some things I used to love as a person. Fettuccine Alfredo, Pizza, Battered Chicken, Mac'N Cheese, Salmon, Shrimp, you name it it was there.

The waiter came back and we all ordered. About ten minutes later, our food was at our places and we were all eating. I had ordered Battered Chicken and Fettuccine Alfredo and it was every bit as good as I remember. I was in the middle of eating when Taro stuck his head in the door and motioned for me to follow him. I then swallowed everything on my plate in one bite and stood up.

“Excuse me guys”, I said licking the sauce off my muzzle.

“Don't leave Daddy”, Helix begged.

“Don't worry I'll be back”, I said smiling and leaving.

“I was in the middle of something”, I said.

“And now your in the middle of something else”, Taro replied, “some one wants to talk to you.”

“Who?”, I asked.

“Lung Wei”, Taro said, “he's the General of Delta Headquarters.”

I shrugged, “you Taro, it's great to see you and all, but I'm going home.”

Taro stopped and turned to face me, his face dead serious, “you can't go home. The US has labeled you a traitor and placed a bounty on you and will accept you nothing short of decapitated. If you go home, they will hunt you down and kill your kids and mate before killing you. I know because I've seen it happen. I can't tell you how many of us are driven to suicide by that.”

I shuttered from the idea of Adelind and the kids getting hurt in everyday life, to say nothing of killed. What did I do to bring this down on them?

“Why?”, I asked, “how did I betray them? I've given my life for that country once, why would they award me the Congressional Medal Of Honor and two Silver Stars in one life and try to kill me in the next?”

“That's what a lot of us would like to know”, Taro replied.

Taro and I walked up a flight of stairs to a stone structure that looked to be carved into the mountain. Taro pressed against a door and it clicked open. The inside of the structure was lined with ancient carvings of Asian dragons and torches burned on the walls. Taro led me down a long corridor that went easily 500 feet into the mountain where a dim blue light was glowing over a white door. Taro pressed against it and it slid open. It revealed a large room that was made of metal and looked like a fallout shelter. There was carpet on the floor and there were several different areas that had tables with candles glowing on them. In the middle of the room was a long, skinny dragon with a snake like body. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

“You must be Tyro?”, he said, “or should I call you Johnathan Mason?”

“Tyro is what I go by now”, I replied.

“Very well”, Lung replied, “please sit.”

I lay down on one of the cushions and Taro sat back on his haunches as Lung began.

“20 years ago”, He began, “I rescued Taro from death in a mine in Afghanistan after he was nearly murdered by his former friend and ally Tyson.”

I found myself shivering lightly.

“I can see your discomfort”, Wei stated, “but I assure you this dragon was evil, far from the shy little boy that your adopted son is, but I'm off topic.

“How did you know I adopted him?”, I asked tilting my head.

“Two reasons”, Lung said, “I've been around a long while, I pick things up. I suspected when your mate and cubs arrived here that Tyson was not your son, due to the feature differences. My hunch was confirmed when your oldest son, I believe his name is Ace, told me.”

I smiled, “Ace, figures.”

“Anyhow”, Lung continued, “the Draco Resistance was formed when rouge US Military dragons decided they'd had enough of being used like tools. This was way back I WWII and some of us, like myself, remember when we carried .50's as a primary and Thompson sub machine guns as our back ups, but again, I'm off topic. I asked Taro to bring you here because I wish to ask you to join us.”

I thought about it for a minute. If what Lung said was true, then I wanted to help my brothers still inside that were being used as tools. But on the other, something rubbed me the wrong way about Wei. I don't know. It was wrong.

“If I agree”, I said, “I have terms. 1, you leave my kids and my mate out of this. Two, I will only work with my team members from Raven, Taro, Sozenn and Fireclaw. Three, you must promise not to intentionally put me into a situation where I am pitted against another dragon. Four, if I decide to leave, anything on me gets burned. Are we clear?”

“I agree to your conditions”, Wei said.

“Then were in”, I replied, “but...know this.”

I stood up and shoved my muzzle into his.

“Mountain dragons are EXTREMLY bad with forgiving lies”, I hissed, “if you make one step backwards, one false move, one slip up. Give me ONE reason to think you might hurt my friends or family and I'll tear you apart. You'll die slowly and you'll feel everything. We clear?”

I saw him shaking at the knees as he nodded yes. It was a bit dark, but now I was sure he wasn't lying to me because of the way he acted. Taro and I turned and left the room.

“Did you mean it?”, Taro asked.


“Mean it to a T when you said Mountain Dragons are bad at forgiving lies and that you'd kill him if he messed up?”

“Every word”, I replied.

A Dragon's Tale #Watty's2015Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu