Prologue: Part 1

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Her whole entire body felt like it was on fire.

When Daenerys woke up with a hard gasp, all she could feel was the pain that was in the middle of her chest, streaming throughout her body, to the tips of her fingertips all the way to her toes. And it was that pain that forced her eyes to look down.

There, atop her chest, was a long scar, right on her heart. And just from looking at the, her whole entire body seized up and memories so foul haunted her mind.

You are my queen. Now and always.

Tears start to fall down her cheeks as sobs escape her, but before she could let herself give in to the sadness that was enveloping her body from the betrayal of him, her own mind started to wonder...where in the seven hells was she?

The last thing she remembered, she was in darkness. For who knew how long, and now she was here? With no one around her? Her skin felt real, everything felt...real. So where was she?

Her eyes glance down at her naked form, trying to sail pass the scar on her chest to an even larger one that settled right above her navel down to around her legs. Her mind tried to recollect where a large scar like that would have come from.

Maybe from the war? But out of everything, that seemed the most less likely. She had been on Drogon for a good part of it and no sword or spear could ever reach a height that high. So where had that come from?

Suddenly, the door to where she ripped open. Daenerys grabs the blanket that had been covering her before and she looks around, before her eyes settle on a young woman all in red, with a familiar piece of jewelry.

Her eyes settle on Daenerys, and she bows her head. "My queen. It is a pleasure and a joy to see you finally awake."

Daenerys brow furrows. "Where am I? Who are you?"

"Forgive me." The woman steps forward, her face coming into the light. "My name is Kinvara. I am a Red Priestess here in Meereen who had been watching over you for the past year."

Daenerys felt her eyes widen. "The past year?" she whispers in shock.

Kinvara's brow furrows. "You don't remember anything?"

Daenerys glances down at the scar above her heart. "I remember him killing me," she says bitterly.

Kinvara nods. "Jon Snow." Just the name made her blood boil, but Daenerys held in her hatred and takes a deep breath, looking up at the young woman. "We have heard stories of him from beyond the sea, but is that all you recall?"

Daenerys nods. "That's the last I remember."

"I guess it is my job to inform you then." She walks over to a small closet in the corner of the room and pulls out what looks like a robe. She walks over and gently hands it to Daenerys, who pulls it over her body. "From the moment you were stabbed, you were taken from this world. Drogon took you from Westeros where you were killed and brought you over to Valyria to rest. And you were lucky because, for some unknown reason, he knew I was there on business. What that was, I'll keep that to myself, but I thank the Lord of Light each day for putting me there."

She goes over to the blinds and opens them gently, letting in a little bit of light into the room. Daenerys realizes within seconds they were in some sort of shrine.

"I could tell that he was reaching out for something, and when I saw you dead in his claws, I knew it had to be something regarding your death. So, I brought you back here and performed the same ritual I have done on many but have barely achieved. I performed it on you, and I did not see movement until you finally began to breathe. You were gone, but the Lord of Light brought you back for a reason."

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