Daenerys: Meereen

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"Dyeana!" She yells the name through the halls, hearing a giggle and laughs coming from around the corner. "Dyanna, come here! No more games!"

All she could hear were laughs. The woman suddenly hears something shift and she smiles, before peeking her head and yelling "Got you!" before grabbing the girl and tickling her sides. The young girl laughs and squirms against her before turning, smiling.

Her light blonde hair falls into her eyes, and she feels herself smile.

"Can we always play?"

"We will as long as you allow it." She hugs her and the girl smiles, before suddenly running off. She rolls her eyes. "Come back here!"

Daenerys opens her eyes, sighing softly. She had been having those dreams consistently for the past year, every couple of nights or so. As much as she believed in prophecy or magic or anything like that, these dreams were almost becoming a nuisance.

She wanted to know if this girl she kept seeing was real. Her hair was like hers but her eyes...were from someone else.

A part of her made Daenerys think that maybe this was the long lost child she had that disappeared. Maybe it was her, coming to the dragon queen in her sleep, to somehow speak to her. Maybe it was her spirit if that was even still a thing anymore.

But she was something.

"My lady?"

Daenerys turns her head and looks towards the door. It was Elaena. She had been a former child bride at one of the many bad practices they had before she came here. She said she ran from the brothel to serve her for saving them. "Yes?"

"Daemon is out practicing his early morning routines and your breakfast is ready. Thought you should know." Daenerys smiles at the young girl and nods.

"Thank you, sweetling. I'll be out in a bit." The girl nods and leaves, closing the door behind her. Usually, with how high in power Daenerys was, there would be some sort of handmaiden, but that was the last thing she wanted. To be consumed by power once more. It was better to have the few people she did around her.

She gets up and walks towards the window of her room, before stepping out into the balcony. Her eyes follow Drogon in the North of the city, before a clear pathway of three, smaller dragons followed after him.

Much had changed these past five years.

From the moment Daenerys held Daemon in her arms, she knew that he was special. How special he would be, though, she had no idea. He had grown twice as much as expected and was the most intelligent child she had ever met.

When she asked Kinvara one day, confused as to how her son suddenly woke up with clothes far too small for him, she explained in full detail.

"I can not confirm nor deny what he is planning," she states. "I can only say this – your son is meant for great things. The reason he may be growing quicker is that whatever your son is going to be needed for is approaching far quicker than any of us could have predicted. He needs to grow faster, and we just need to stay by his side and help him through it."

Daenerys wasn't one to question destiny – hell, most of her life up until now she had done because she believed in destiny. But forgive her if she was still confused as to how quickly her son aged.

Even so, Daemon was a smart boy. A quick learner. He was able to pick up the use of a sword and learn how as soon as he could hold one. And each day he grew more and more.

Of course, he was starting to look more and more like his father. His face would shift into his smile and his hair had gotten darker, but he still stayed with her, guided her and gave her new hope that someday maybe she wouldn't have to worry about having someone to follow in her stance. He was honorable, at least for the time being. And she planned to keep it that way.

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