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I stand up and shake his hand.

And walk out to go see what had happened in the hour I was gone.

I walk through the front door to absolute chaos.

I hear DAY6 blasting out if the speakers.

I look in the kitchen to see MinHo and WooJin running around.

Felix is dancing some weird dances in front of the TV.

JiSung, ChangBin and Chan are no where to be found.

HyunJin is trying to stop Felix and looks to be showing him a different dance.

SeungMin is in the hall with his arms out and he is bouncing his head.

Max is running back and forth to each room, barking.

JeonGin runs up to me and hugs me hard. Almost hiding under my arm.

I close the door and try to walk forward but JeonGin clings to me. I sigh and scoop him up, putting him on my back.

I pull the plug to the speaker and the TV. I drag Felix and HyunJin and sit them on the couch. I put JeonGin next to them and grab Max. I set him in HyunJin's lap.


I grab SeungMin and sit him on the couch.


I turn off the oven and stove. I shut the pantry and close the fridge. I grab WooJin and MinHo and sit them down in the huge recliner.


I walk into the studio and yank out the earbuds and headphones that ChangBin, Chan and JiSung have in. I grab them by the neck of their shirts and drag them to the other couch, sitting them down.


I grab MinHo's cats and set then down on the cat tree in the corner and in the cat room.


I walk in and tune on the light so the room isn't so dark.

I stand in front of them with my arms crossed.

"Please explain to me what I just walked into. I know you guys are crazy hyper but really??" I exclaim. "I see WooJin and MinHo running in the kitchen. Felix and HyunJin doing, SOMETHING in the living room, looking like they are about have seizure. SeungMin too in the hall way. JeonGin was hiding under the table and rushed to hide UNDER me. And ChangBin, JiSung and Chan are in the studio, acting like none of this is happening!"

I stare at them and tap my foot. No one answers me.

"Alright then." I sigh. "WooJin and MinHo. What was happening in the kitchen?"

"I couldn't find the flour for the chicken I was about to fry." MinHo says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Felix and HyunJin?"

"Fortnit dances..." Felix says.


"Dancing to DAY6"


"Hiding from all the craziness."

"JiSung, ChangBin and Chan?"

"It's easier to ignore them and let them get all the energy out then stop them..." ChangBin says.

"Really? I had no problem stopping it all!" I exclaim.

"Sorry..." I hear then mumble. I sigh and rub my forehead.

"Do you guys have a schedule?" I say.

"When we are having a comeback we do but we are off right now." Chan explains.

"Theb I'm about to help make one right now." I say.

"WooJin and MinHo, flour is in the cabinet next to the dishes, top shelf. Go finish cooking." I watch them get up and walk out.

"Han, ChangBin, and Chan. You have two hours in the studio. Go. You have an hour left. left." I point to the studio and watch them go.

"SeungMin and JeonGin. You guys seem like you want a workout. Go to the gym for an hour." I say, pointing to the gym we have downstairs. I watch them leave.

"HyunJin. You love Max. Go take him for a run around the park. Be back in an hour." I hand him his leash.

"Felix. You want to dance? Head down the dance studio. I'll be down in a few minutes." I say, pointing to the dance studio downstairs. I watch him go and I flop down on the couch.

"I feel like a dictator today. First JYP now them. I hope I don't do this everyday." I mumble before pulling myself up. I quickly change my clothes and walk into the studio.

"Alright, we have one hour to figure out the dances JYP wants us to do. Make a list of the songs you want to do and I'll do my list." I say, pulling out my phone.

This is going to be a looooooong day...

Wish On A Shooting Star ~ Stray Kids FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя