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Zayn's POV~

Lou took Alex to her room and i stayed there looking at the ass that broke such an amazing girl that was pregnant with his babys i was furious and so were the rest

"You better leave before i punch you" Harry says to Jc

"What is mr curly hair gonna do braid my hair?" Jc says a grin plastered on his face

"You crossed the line hurting the girl thats madly in love with you then insulting my best friend you earned it!" i say walking over to Jc and punching him hard on the jaw and Harry came next to me

"Good now my turn" he says and punches him that hitting his nose makeing it go red and start to bleed

"And you slut cant come here and call my bestie fat or a bitch" Summer says slapping Brittney then pulling her hair and punching her hard

"Yea mess with her you will get me and the rest of the gangs fury" Alexa says grabbing another handfull of Brittneys hair then slapping her and punching her makeing her lip open and her eye go red

"Now get the fuck out... and Jc i thought id never say this but you disgust me man!" Kian says grabbing both their arms and kicking them outside closing the door in their faces

Jc's POV~

"I told you we wouldnt get in without a problem" Brittney says holding her eye

"Shut up! i dont need this right now!" i yell at her and she walk away

" did you know i dont even like you... Your just a bitch that made me loose my perfect girlfriend i dont even know why the fuck im still with you!" i say

"Well why dont you just go" she scremaes back

"Mabey i will!" i say get into my car driveing away leaveing her there

I sent her a message saying "oh and were over"


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