Its good to have him...

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Alex's POV~

Once i saw Jc i got up from the table and ran to the restroom crying

"Hey love you ok?" I heard a familiar irish accent say

"Niall you shouldnt worry about me just go back to your dinner ill be fine" i say wipeing away my tears

He walked in "Niall! your in the girls bathroom!" i say shocked

"So you need a hug and im going to give you one" he sayed lifting me up and giveing me a hug

"Thank you" i say "Ok so can you tell me why you are crying" he says

"Look its because my ex boyfriend cheated on me and hes here with the same girl" i say another tear rolling on my cheek

"Love dont cry for him hes not worth your tears those tears should be used when you laugh to much they slip out " he sayed wipeing away the tear

"Most of all your very beautiful he doesnt know what he just lost" he says makeing me blush and smile

"Look that smile would bring many guys to your knees" he says giveing me another hug

"Look lets go back to my appartment and we can watch movies" he sayed wipeing my now full of make up face

"Shure just let me tell my brothers" i say walking out of the restroom

"Kian! Kian! I need to speak to you and Axel meet me near the girls restroom asap!" I say threw the phone

"Were on our way lil sis" Kian says

"Wait your Kian Lawley's little sister?!" Niall asked

"Yep!" i say proudly "Omg!! im their fan!" he sayed jumping up and down like a fan girl would do

Once Axel and Kian entered the 3 of them froze

"Your-r Niall Horan!!" Acel and Kian say

"And your K-kian Lawley!" Niall says running to Kian and bro hugging him

"Ok so why did you need us little sister"Axel says after takeing a picture with Niall and while Kian was takeing 1,000 photos with him

"I wanted to tell you that im going to Niall's appartment to watch movies now that Jc and his "girl" are here" i say a little hurt and Axel hugs me

"Ok just be safe i dont want you to get anymore hurt" he says in my ear and then i tell Kian that im going with Niall

"Look man i know your famous but i dont want you to hurt my little sister shes alredy hurt she doesnt need anymore drama but if you do i swear ill kill you" he sayed standing behind me and hugging me

"Dont worry Kian i would never hurt a princess like her" he sayed grabing my hand and walking me out as i waved at Kian and Axel

When we were outside Niall gave me his sweater putting it around my shoulders sonce i was wearing a strapless dress and it was cold i accepted it

Then he opened the car door for me and told me to stay while he whent back inside to tell his friends he would be heading back home

"Ok Ms Salcedo lets go" he sayed getting inside the car and turning up the radio all the way to his appartment

Once there we watched disney movies

"Hey Niall im sleepy i should get going" i say rubbing my eyes

"No love you can stay here its late alredy" he sayed playing with my hair makeing me sleepyer

"Ok" i say yawning

He carryed me bridal style to the bed room and gave me a shirt that fit me extra huge

Once i put it one he was alredy cuddled in bed and i hopped on to the bed makeing him turn around and cuddle into me

"Can i sing to you?" he asked

"Yes please" i say digging my head into his chest

He started to sing you & i it was beautiful then i fell asleep

Friendship Love ❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang