Time Flys

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Alex's POV~

It has been over 5 years after the wedding and our litte rascals have grown up so fast they are currently in bed while i am reading a book in the living room as Jc is at work

He still youtubes but he got a job as well and as for me i also have a job

"Mom!!! Cameron keeps throwing his cars at me!" I hear Caroline yell

Yes i changed Caroline's name because i loved Caroline but thats her secod name as Jc decided to name her Emma which i totally agreed to

They both came down as i notice once again how much Cameron and Emma look like Jc since they were identical twins ofcourse they looked the same but it was like seeing a little girld Jc and miniature Jc except Emma has my dark color of hair but just as curly as Jc's and Cam has his hair straight but with Jc's color it was so adorable

"Okay one Cameron Lukas its not nice to hit your little sister with your cars and two how bout we get started with dinner since daddy is comeing home soon?" I ask both my little minions

"Yes!" They say in unsion, then look at eachother and high five while giggling

After dinner was redy we heard the door open and roudy people walk in

"What up bitc- oops sorry Alex i didnt mean to i didnt say it thoe please dont get mad!" I hear Ricky say as Ashley his pregnant wife walks in behind him

"Ill let this one slide Dillon!" I say playfully as i laugh and so does Ashley

After that we hear Sam, Alexa, Summer, Trevor, Daniela, Connor which i havent seen in forever, walk in and sit at the table as i serve each and every one of them dinner

When im done serving dinner i feel hands wrap around my waist and someone kiss my neck

"Hey babe" I say turning around and kissing Jc

"Please no fucking PDA!" I hear Ricky say

"Hey hey hey this is nothing have you seen that your wife is pregnant?!" I say bursting in laughter as both Ricky and Ashley blush real hard

After dinner we all stayed in the living room and watched movies not so far into the movie the kids fell asleeo so me and Jc each grabbed one and took them to their room i had Emma and she goes in the lower bunk so it was easy for me in other news Jc had Cameron and he had a hard time putting him in the top bunk

"Hey i thought u were fit babe" i say and laugh

"Ohso thats what you think?" He says running towards me and putting me over his shoulder carrying me to our room and throwing me on the bed as i laugh harder than ever and he gets on the bed resting his head on my chest and me running my hand in his soft curly hair to soon hear him snore which was the cutest thing ever

I swear hes is the most wonderful husband ever even if we had the roughest times


Well this is the end since nobody really reads it anymore well i had fun writing this story

I will be writing another story so be in the look out for it

Have a wonderful day, night or morning wherever you are

And dont forget that you look better with a smile so do it more ofthen

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