The Wedding

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(Thats the dress (; i love it!!)
Alex's POV~

Today was the day i became Mrs. Caylen and i was as happy as can be to know that i can finally be married to the love of my life and the father of my children.

If your wondering i am now 7 months pregnant and therr two little rascals are like an earthquake! Nd i just thought i looked great with my hair done by Perrie Zayn's girlriend and my makeup done by Summer and Alexa.

At this point i was waiting for all the people infront of me to walk out so i could walk into the church and when that time did come Jc had his hand over his mouth and his eyes were looking glossy which made mine turn glossy as well but damn did he look fine!

The end on the ceremony~

"Ms. Alexandra will you take Mr. Justin to be your lovely husband and protect him and be with him threw health and sickness?" The priest sayed

"I do!" I say a small tear slipping from my eye

" and you Mr. Justin will you take Ms. Alexandra to be your lovely weded wife and protect her and be with her threw health and sickness?" The priest sayed now looking at Jc

"Yes! I mean I do" he sayed makeing me giggle as he was emberassed and turned red

"Then i pronounce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride" the priest sayed and Jc grabbed me by the waist and put me over his knee as he kissed me softly which never failed to send sparks down my spine

Aftet the party clearly me and Jc couldnt have a honey moon because clearly we alredy had one but he promised me we would have one after the little ones were like 5

But he woke me up with breakfast in bed which i was honestly thankful for because i was tired and wouldnt want to get up at the moment.

After that he sayed he wanted to show me something and that i should change so i hopped into the shower

"Babe!! Do i have to change into fancy clothes?" I ask

"No you can go in sweat pants but grab one of my hoodies as well cuz its freezing!" He says back ad i go into our room and change into sweat pants and a loose shirt and one of jcs hoodies then putting my hair into a messy pony tail and grabbing my shoes as i walked down stairs

As i sat on the couch i struggled to put my shoes on and Jc noticed so he laughed and took a picture before helping me

After the struggle with my shoes we got in the car and drove off to starbucks

"This is that something u wanted to show me? I have been her-" I ask and he cuts me off while laughing

"No babe i just knew that u have been craving a caramel frapp so i wanted to get you one" he says laughing a bit

"Oh well thank you babe" i say with a huge smile on my face

After that we drove to a cliff

"Hold up hold up your not trying yo murder me are you?!" I ask in a joking way ad i laugh and he does too

"No but the view is killer babe!" He says getting out of the car and running to the other side to help me off

He was right it was a killer view and i bet it looks better at night eather way it was great by my husbands side and a frapp on my hand

I knew being by his side and being married to him was the best decision i have ever made

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