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(It has been over 2 months and Alex got out of the gospital after about 2 weeks of beeing there and Summer is now 7 months pregnant)

Alex's POV~

Txt Conversation-

(her mom she speaks spanish because thats wat she mostly speaks but also speaks english)

Mom- hola mi nina (hello babygirl)

Me- Hi mommy

Mom- Como as estado (how have you been)

Me- good mom i got a boyfriend thoe we have about 7 to 8 months alredy (:

Mom- q lindo mija (how sweet)you should bring him your twin brother whould like to meet him

(Yes she has a twin brother just that he stayed in new york forgot to put that in there)

Me- omg Axel is here(: is he going to stay?

Mom- si (yes) just that he cant find a place to stay

Me- Oh well i think here in the o2l house there is like 2 rooms of spare i could ask Jc if he could be a guest

Mom- ok thanx babygirl ill tell him so he can go visit you just tell me the adress

So i sent her the adress and walked down stairs to find Jc in his underwear sleeping in the couch with chocolate smugged in his face. i had an idea and got a marker as fast as i could. once there i wrote on his face "Im in love with Alex!" in big black bild words.

"Babe wake up!" i say shakeing him a bit "no! i wanna sleep" he sayed turning on his belly "ok i didnt want to do this but your makeing me!" i say sitting on him "Ok ok im up" he sayed sitting up and pulling me on his lap "babe can my brother stay in one of the guest rooms?" i ask with a puppy dog face. "Shure is he ur older brother?" he sayed resting his chip on my shoulder "shure by like 2 minutes" i say "wait so u have a twin brother?" "yes sorry i just forgot to tell you because he stayed in new york" i say crossing my legs makeing my feet hit his back lightly. "But yea he can stay" he sayed giving me a kiss "let me text my mom" i say but before i can get up he pickes me up and takes me to the room "aww thanx babe" i say and peck his lips.

The day Axel moves in~

"Knock knock!" i hear from the kitchen "Axel!" i scream all the way running to the door. "hey princess!" he sayed giving me a hug and picking me up.

Even thoe were identical twins he is taller than me.

"Guys my brother hes here!" i yell

"Oh hey!" they all say giving him a hug

"Hello everybody my name is Axel Alex's twin brother" he sayed

"Wait twin brother?" the all say giving me a weird look

"Yea sorry guys i forgot to tell you about him its just that he stayed back in new york and i just thought i wasnt gonna see him anymore so if i started to talk about him i would of started to cry" i say as Axel gave me another hug to confort me

"Oh yea hes Connor thats Kian Sam Ricky and Trevor" i say pointing at each one of them "And this is my boyfriend Jc" i say walking over to Jc

"Ill have to speak to you later dude i wanna get to know my baby sisters boufriend i dont want you hurting her" he sayed shakeing each one of there hands. "And you baby sis we need to talk wanna go get a coffe?" he sayed "shure" i say grabig my coat and giving a kiss to Jc

As we were in the car he asked "So starbucks right? that was your favoret or is?" "it still is also i still like the sour gummy worms and..." "and taffy and reading" he finished my sentence "aww u still remember!" i say "how could i forget baby im ur older brother" "your only older my 2 minutes" i say laughing "nuh it is my 5 minutes mom told me" he sayed sounding like a little kid.

"Were here" he sayed getting off "yay" i scream makeing everybody look at me. "Remember when we were 16 that me u and ur friend that had a crush on me when to a starbucks and a guy was looking me up and down" i say "oh yea and that charlie (his friends name) beat the guy up but eneded with a split eyebrow" he sayed cracking up

I missed the times we got tougether and just talked. "Ok now tell me has Jc done anything bad to you" he sayed a stern face "no no not at all bro" i say "well if he does just tell me ill kick his-" "no you wont!" i say laughing a bit "Ok but do tell me if he hurts my lil sis i wont stand to see you sad babygirl" he sayed rubbing hit thumb on my cheek

After starbucks we whent to the park near by. "oh my good ive been so into Summers baby and helping her that i almost forgot that in a week its my birthday" i say "oh yea" he sayed with a big smile. We sat on a bench and since its almost my bed time i was getting a bit sleepy "lets go A u need to rest after what happened to you" whait how do u know about it?" i say looking at him "well we do have the same mom" he sayed slightly laughing "here ill give you a piggy back ride" he sayed helping me up the bench so i could climb up since hes taller than me "Up u go!" he sayed lifting me up and walking towards the car.


Short up date but i have school nd im not feeling that well but ill try harder to update offthen

Btw: i have a volleyball game wednesday




Also add me on instagram @_nana_baes_






Bye loves💕

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