Chapter 6

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Jungkook pov
You took the letter and left. As soon as you got home, you took out the letter and started reading.
"Dear Jungkook,
First of all THANK YOU! Thank you so much for helping me the other day. If you wouldn't have been there, I don't know what I would've done. I owe you a lot. Secondly, I'm extremely sorry for being a bad friend to you all this time. I guess I've been lonely for too long to have forgotten how to be friends with someone. I promise I'll try my best to be the friend you deserve. I would love to start over again and I won't disappoint you this time. Now, if you'll forgive me, please meet me at the park near school on Saturday evening at 6.

You were still trying to process what you just read. You couldn't believe that Y/n wrote you a letter. Wow. She really did that. Did I went too far with the avoiding thing? Whatever, we can be in good terms now. You smiled to yourself. You thought it was really cute of her to have written you a letter.

Your pov
You were waiting at the park. You checked the time, you were about five minutes early. You waited and after what seemed like 10 minutes, Jungkook arrived. Seeing him, you released a breath as if you had been holding it for too long. You smiled at him. He smiled back, walking towards you. "Hey." You said with a little enthusiasm in you voice. Jungkook could sense it. "Hey. I got your letter." He said as you both started walking in the park. "Yeah. I'm so sorry-"
"You can stop apologising now. I forgive you."
"But why a letter?"
"That's just a thing I do, you know I'm not really good at expressing my feelings so.."
"Is this how you'll confess your love to a guy then?" He chuckled. You felt embarrassed.
"I'm just kidding. I thought I was nice of you to write a letter. You know, old school types and I must say I'm an old school type guy." You both kept walking and talking. You got to know each other better. You chuckled at his cuteness. He didn't talk much about himself though. He couldn't. He liked getting to know you.

A few weeks later.
You and Jungkook got quite close. You both became very good friends. You really took care of each other, looked out for each other, you were very comfortable telling each other things. However, Jungkook had still never told you about his truth. He could not. Not until he was entirely sure it was the right thing to do. Everybody at school thought you two were dating but that's the last thing you would want. You started having feelings for him but you suppressed it deep down in your heart. Jungkook was such a perfect guy that you thought you would never be enough for him. But little did you know, you're the only thing he wants.
It was just another normal day at school, you and Jungkook were sitting at your usual spot on the bleachers in the school ground. "Jungkook." You called him. "Hm." He replied as he played with your hair, while you chewed on your food. "Why don't you ever eat? Do you have some sort of eating disorder?" You asked him. He was clearly trying to search for words. "Jungkook?"
"Um sorry. I- I don't like the food here." He said.
"Then let's go out!" You exclaimed with joy. You were tired of eating the boring school food, you wanted a change. You grabbed his wrist and dragged him out. "Jungkook, why are you so cold all the time?" You looked at his wrist you were holding. "I'm not used to the weather here. So maybe because of that." He said. You took him to the nearest diner. You sat in the booth across him, reading the menu, while he just looked at you. "Um, I'll have some cheese pasta(if you hate cheese pasta, please think of your favourite dish.)." You told the waiter and looked at Jungkook, expecting him to give his order. "I'm good. I'll just have water." He said as he took a small sip of water. "Wait what? Why? Aren't you hungry? Jungkook you haven't eaten anything. What is wrong?-" you bombarded him with questions. Now he got used to this side of you. "I'm not hungry Y/n really. But please go ahead and have something since we're already here." He gave you a reassuring smile. "Okay." You whispered. After having lunch, you decided to skip school, which you rarely ever did but you did it now because of Jungkook.
You walked to the park, the walk was unusually silent. You sat on a swing with Jungkook siting on one beside you. Silence filled up between you both. "Jungkook you know you can tell me anything right?" You said breaking the silence.
"Yes. I know." He wasn't looking at you. Maybe he knew what was about to come. "Then please tell me what is wrong? I'm here to help you. please tell me if there's something."
"Y/n what are you trying to say?"
"Why don't you ever eat? What is wrong? I've never, a single day, seen you have a piece of food in your mouth. Please tell me what's going on."
"It's nothing Y/n I swear. I eat only at my house."
Still not looking at you.
"Then what about water? Do you ever get thirsty? I've never seen you drink water too."
"I don't like water."
"Wait. What is this? Are you normal?" No. He thought. You asked way too many questions. He soon started getting frustrated because he couldn't answer it, even if he had answers to it. "Jungkook? Answer me." You said and he snapped. He got up from his swing, and in a quick second he was holding onto the rope of your swing, looking at you with an annoyed look, and said, "Do you know how irritating you can be sometimes. Take a break." His sudden movement made you flinch. His touch was ice cold. To be honest you kinda got scared. You had never seen him get angry before, especially not on you. "Jung-" you couldn't finish your sentence. You gulped at how close he was. He realised he what he had done and immediately softened his eyes. "Y/n.." he said softly, as he let go off his grip. He sat on his knees while keeping his hands on your knees. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to snap at you like that."
"It's ok. I shouldn't have-"
"No, no, no, Y/n. I'm sorry. It was my fault. But you have to remember- just, look there are some things that I can't tell you ok? And it has to be that way. I hope you understand."
"Okay." You said and gave him a reassuring smile. After a while you went home. Your mind was occupied with thoughts of Jungkook. You constantly kept thinking about any possible things Jungkook could be hiding? Why did he get so angry outta nowhere? You thought maybe you needed to give him some space. You didn't want to dig deep in his personal life if it makes him uncomfortable. You always respected his privacy but you felt weird after the incident. Strange thoughts kept running into your mind like there could be something entirely strange Jungkook could be hiding. Does he have some disease? Some syndrome? But it sure doesn't look like that.

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