Chapter 34 (Final Chapter) - The beginning of forever...

Start from the beginning

"Hey Gran, I thought you loved me?" Anthony asked as he threw his arms over her shoulders.

"Did I say that?" She asked with a smirk on her face before walking off.

"Ha, dude you just got your own words used against you!" Murphy said as he laughed to himself.

"Whatever dude," Anthony said with a smile on his face.

"Happy birthday Aiden," my mom said as she walked up to him and gave him a tight squeeze.

"Thanks Aunty Kels," he said as he smiled at her.

"No problem sweetheart," she replied before moving to the side and allowing Bob to get through.

"Happy birthday kiddo, make sure you cut me a nice big slice of cake," Bob said as he patted his belly.

"God knows that it has to be big to fill that thing," Grandma said, gesturing towards his belly as we all started to laugh.

"One of these days this belly will be gone and you will miss it moms".

"Yes and pigs will fly deary," Grandma said, causing Aiden to burst out laughing.

It was nice to hear him laughing so freely. It had been six weeks since the whole incident with Jake and believe me, it was tough. Firstly, Aiden was having constant nightmares for a week straight about being run over. I started to stay with him for a few nights after that until they eventually calmed down. I also found myself the victim of Crystal's motherly suffocation. Her heart was in the right place but her worrying and constant fussing did start to drive me crazy. It wasn't half as bad as when my mom got back from England though. Aunt May passed away, the night after the accident and so they all stayed an extra week to sort out all of the arrangements. Me and Susan both agreed not to tell my mom about the accident with Jake until they got back. She was mad of course but eventually she excepted the decision and moved on. Then there was Kyle. I had been right about his mom hiding something from me and it wasn't a little something either. He woke up the morning after the accident and I was one of the first to see him but when I got there I didn't expect to see what I did. The accident had left Kyle unable to walk which made my guilt levels reach an all new high. To say that I was devastated would be an understatement. Kyle told me two things when I went to visit him that morning. The first was that the doctors said that there was every chance that he would walk again as his injuries were not permanant. They had said that with enough physio and a bucket full of determination it could happen one day. Kyle was a fighter, believe me and he had bundles of determination but I wasn't sure how far that would get him after how fragile he looked that day and it broke my heart. The second thing that he told me, for some reason seemed even worse though. He asked me not to visit him after that day, he had explained that he didn't want me to feel guilty or to watch him suffer. He told me that the next time that I'd see him, he would be walking again. I remember but just smiling weakly as he said those words but I never argued, I understod his request. I don't know how long it would be before he walked again but I truly missed him. The craziest part about this whole situation was the change in relationship between Kyle and Aiden. Everyday after school Aiden commited to visiting Kyle. Even when we all told him to take a day off he refused, he had made it his duty and on the odd day when he couldn't make it he would send in his right hand man, Anthony. He didn't talk much about his visits which I think was due to Kyle asking him not to discuss them with me but from what I did know they were working together on his physio. It was the strangest and most unlikely friendship but somehow it worked. Aiden didn't tell me much about Kyle's condition but when I spoke to him a couple of days ago he accidently let slip that Kyle was no where near walking yet which broke my heart. I guess I will have to wait on a miracle.

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