Just a Little Bit of Your Heart

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Umm, hi! I'm back with a chapter that starts with a weird POV. Just making sure everyone is alright. Author's note waiting below the chapter.

Also, a kind request, please do read up a few of the previous chapters to maintain the line of narrative. 

Hope you enjoy. :))

Gigi's POV

(I just wanna make sure that we don't hate on Gogo in this book... wait, did I spell it as Gogo ($-$). Gehee, you know what I mean :P)

"I don't ever ask you where you've been
And I don't feel the need to
Know who you're with
I can't even think straight but I can tell
You were just with her
And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you"

A wave of nausea started to suffocate me as long as I was in the room. I was well aware of the fact that Zayn wasn't the one for me. I knew it for a fact that whatever we had, with whatever we started with, that little whatever had started to dwindle long back.

It fucking hurts to be on this site when I try to convince myself that it is fine at the end of the day.

Zayn is absolutely fucking out of it. I wouldn't be surprised if I go back to the room and find him beating the living crap out of Anwar. I wouldn't admit it out loud for Z to be validated in his points, but man, he actually needed it.

"Gi?" I should've known she'd follow me. A tired smile escaped, "Hey", the frown between her brow very placidly disappeared and she smiled saying, "You're actually dealing with it better than how it, you know, umm, appears??"

"God, you're so bad at consoling a heartbroken friend, you know that right!?"

A genuine hushed giggle sounded along with the descending casement. I knew I needed to address a few things, 

"You see, I am not really that heartbroken, to be honest. This is not the first time I realised that Zayn's priorities lie elsewhere. I was tryna build this whole home out of nothing. Piecing him back together for the first time was something. You've seen us then. He was younger and more aggressive. Time have more or less changed him. His evolving didn't help us sustain, I-I-"

Involuntarily, I let myself sob. Kendall stood there motionless debating on how to deal with the situation. I'd never entirely been able to know what is it that she wants to say. I was crying and didn't know what I actually wanted to say so no matter how difficult it is for her, she tried to speak out,

"Listen, Gi, you're brilliant, alright? Zayn is, uh, is not~"

I cut in mid-sentence before she could continue any further, she has it all wrong, "Hey, hey, hey, don't get me wrong Ken, I am not crying because of Zayn here. It is for myself that I'm crying."

"Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for"

"See, none of us are actually stupid to not understand what is going on. Your boyfriend loves someone else. (if it's a dude or a chick, it honestly is none of our business) but he's actually been with this said person while you were (well, you still are: not saying anything here but don't know how long) still together. And, it is fine to be heartbroken about it. None of us, not even Zayn could control the whole situation."

She's trying her best to be the greatest friend out there so being one, she deserves my explanation as well,

"Him being my boyfriend means nothing since his dedication and heart belongs to someone else. But again, I am not concerned about that. You cannot voluntarily control who you fall for. I tried so much, Ken. When I finally got him I felt like I finally could love again. That just maybe, I'd grow again, that I'd have the chance to love as I want to. He was all hope to me, I lived thinking that maybe, just maybe, he's shedding pieces to gather new ones. I was there all along. I hoped for what he hoped too maybe. We're too similar, Ken. We've managed to fuck up even more. The man was all but an illusion. The reality hits back that night with a phone call. You called that cheating, I called it a decision we both took. I was there, for fuck's sake, I was the one who received the call!"

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