Chapter 1 : the reincarnated

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Hello again welcome to my first fanfiction story if you have or not read in the descriptions that English is my second language and I suck at grammar also this a boy love or BL for short if you don't like this story so please go find another story to read I don't want any bad review for this fanfiction I'm sensitive. I'm not a very imaginary person and also I have school so I will be slow update (don't blame me blame my laziness and school )

WARNING: (again) bad grammar, boy loves 


Hmm, let's see I died because of truck-kun NO WAIT I died because of that biscuit TRUCK BROTHER after I doge the first one .... and who LETS A CHILD!! running in the middle of a BUSY STREET!!, ugh! whoever parents of that girl are will pay for that. AHHHH is so frustrating I want to scream......Okay, you may think I'm a little overreacting about this. To some stranger kid that I save just a few minutes ago, hey! it not that you can stop me become a mother role to every child okay. I will sue those parents or Beat the bell! out of them about child endangerment, to get that word in their skull kay.

 Wait!?! where am I !? why is this place so... huh!! why, why I can't open my eyes!..., Why I can't move a single muscle in my body!!? OMG is so dark, scary and also ... warm... I can feel some sort of liquid surround my body (guess what place the protagonist is in right now) like sitting in front of a furnace in the middle of winter. Hmm now that I think about is I wonder if those kids in the church are doing now, do they miss me?. Do they cried? ...... Nah they definitely gonna cried about that, they may be tough, strong, whining and trouble but they all have a soft spot in their heart,.. even me but I taught them to be strong and determent to prepare and face the part of the cruel world they live in. That not every part of the world is sweetly and innocent like in those cartoons, fairy tales story,  they have to learn no they must too because I don't want them, want them ... to learn the hard way like I am... Okay, girl now put that negative thought aside and think positive, this place is not so bad yeah I can go with this is just that. Here I am lonely not that I been lonely before. Haizzz now the one thing that I truly regret before I died that I don't seem to find the man of my life now that thing that not gonna become true.

HUH! w-w-who push me?. H-Hey stops it !! I don't want to go just yet.AWWW baby( heh ;) ) angel in the heaven I'm just starting to get used to this place don't make me go now!!.


Outside the baby's womb, there is a beautiful pregnant woman with blond golden hair with a pair of sapphire eyes is desperate to give birth to her baby boy. Her name is Jennah Maxwell or Jenny Oh how her husband likes to call her. Beside her is a man with a bag under his red ruby eyes, messy black hair despite that he still holds his handsome face. The reason for that is he has been waiting for this moment about 8 months ago when his wife announced that she had a baby after that he makes sure that she is not allowed to go out without his permission or stand not too far ( about 10 meters) away from him which she constantly ignored that "rule" from him. His name is Albert Maxwell or Al for short.  He held her hand Dearly and carefully, with an expression of worry, desperately trying to calm her down and... Painfully because of how damn strong she holding him. He has to make sure not to show that on his face which is successful and he swears that he could hear the cracking sound from his hand.
"You doing great Mrs. Maxwell keep pushing, it almost done." the doctor said
"when I count to 3 you have to push all your might okay? .ready?." the doctor said again.
In return she nods, too tired to said and her body aching, about to give it up but she is determined to give birth to her son after that she can sleep, eat, do whatever she desires.
"..1.." the doctor staring to count.
"..3!!.PUSH!!! "
"AHHHHHHHH" the woman screams to the top of her lung.
"Congratulations Mrs. Maxwell is a healthy boy!" the doctor said cheerfully now holding a crying baby, pass to the nurse to go clean his body.
"m-m-my baby " she Whispers trying to keep her breath.
"Now now Mrs. Maxwell you don't need to worry we will give your son to you after we clean his body shortly. all you need to do is wait and rest." After an hour the nurse has finally come back with the baby who has stopped crying. Now bringing the baby to his parents.
"Al looks... isn't he beautiful, " the mother said in the whisper tone but enough to her husband to hear.
"yes, my dear his is the most beautiful boy I ever saw " the father look at the boy said in his caring voice, now cooing (I don't think that spell right) to his son's cheek. The baby soon replies with a cute giggle which his parents took a critical hit from that Cuteness.
"Awwwww," his parents say in synced (that spell right right?)  even some doctors and nurses have taken some damage from that.
"have you decide a name to our son yet my dear? "the father said now looking at her blue eyes.
"hmm.. "she thought for a moment Look at her husband then baby  "how about... Max...Max Maxwell !" she replies with a big smile on her face.


"how about... Max... Max Maxwell !" she replies hesitantly with a big smile on her face.
"My dear don't tell me you just decided to name our son right now. after you beg me to let you name our baby about 4 months ago " her husband said to give her a facepalm on his face, she smiles awkwardly and has some pink flush on her cheeks. Some doctors and nurses give her a deadpan look.
"w-well.. you know how hard it is t-t-to have a baby in your belly f-for 10 months straight... You know! getting moody, tired, sick and hungry... you don't know how hard to have a baby okay !" she said some Sutter, looking away from her husband.
Really?! Woman, Am I a child here ?! or you are the one is considered a child ?!!. Wow just a few minutes ago I'm just having a panic attack about first I'm just been puss through and came from a ... from a.. a...a you know what I mean. Second that I have been reborn into a baby which is Cool!! by the way like in those fanfic stories I had read and also... weird. And three I just know that I become a BOY!!! Why?! Why heaven?!? Why?! I have the urge not to swearing right now. Well.. which is considers fine, all voices just come through my mouth become a baby noise. But I don't use to swearing much after I work in the church.
"high~ I know that you will not come up with a proper name, so I already come with a name for him... his name will be... James.. James Maxwell "he said hesitantly In the last sentence, a small smile forming on his face after he said that.
Hmm, that sounds kinda good?. Right?
( just so you know that I come up with these name in a name generator and don't blame how to name okay am just to lazy for that)
"Al isn't that–"
"I know jenny I-I just want to name him that way," he said looking in her eyes with a sad and regretful in his eyes.
Hmm, I can't help but wonder what makes my (new) father look so sad about that name. Oh man, I can't believe that I have been reborn as a baby..boy? *Yawn* All this experience makes tired already maybe I can deal with this in tomorrow *Yawn*hmm~ good night world. Good night... Mom and dad ZZZzzzzzz~
"awww~~ look at him. He so cute when he sleeps" his mother said looking at her now sleeping baby boy. His father smiled at that.
"now I think you should sleep too my dear," her husband said gesture her to lay down.
"Yeah, I know... Hey, Al " she calls her husband.
"Promise me you have to sleep too okay you haven't slept like 3 days already," she said to her husband. That have the tiredness in her voice.
"I promise "He chuckles at that leaning to her li–AAAAannnd thanks goodness that I have already slept before seeing that.


OMG 1497 WORDS!!!! I can't believe myself at that welp I tired already I hope you enjoy my first fanfic goodbye see you another time soon!!! (also IDK people should do after the baby was born so I just assume that I my head k)

you may notice some changes in this because I want  to change for that to go on with the story and I have fixed some of the grammar thanks to Grammarly

I reincarnated in Danny Phantom Universe a BOY!?!Where stories live. Discover now