Jean » Family Bond

869 19 19

j.kirstein ; child!reader ; modern!au



"Manchester City is winning the Premier League this year."

"In your dreams, sucker! Liverpool will take it."

"You're batshit if you think that, horse face! It'll literally take a miracle for that to happen."

Yeager and Kirstein's voices filled the bustling police station as they bickered back and forth about team formations and goal statistics until a stern voice broke through their clamor, "What the hell is going on here?"

"Sir!" yelled both men in unison as they sprung to their feet, watching as Captain Ackerman filtered into the office, the members of his special unit following behind shortly after.

"How did it go, sir?" asked Yeager.

"Good, we caught the traffickers. But we have a..." Captain Ackerman trailed off as he stepped aside, revealing your petite form which was hidden behind him, "situation."

The two officers were quick to connect the dots, deducing that you were most likely one of the victims of the human trafficking organization they had finally succeeded in arresting after months, and their guts wrenched at the harrowing display. Feeble and with trembling legs, you stood in silence as you took in your surroundings; fright and panic were all they could read on your face as your bottom lip quivered and your fist squeezed the fabric of Captain Ackerman's pants. The atmosphere around you soon proved too overwhelming, and Captain Ackerman was swift to sweep you up in his arms before you numbly met with the floor. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you weakly sobbed into his shoulder as he led you to an empty interview room.

After leaving you in safety with Captain Zoë, Captain Ackerman convened Yeager and Kirstein to his office.

"Her name is Y/N L/N. She's seven years old and was kidnapped," he said as he sat behind his desk, the two officers standing tall before him. "Now, we've sent word to the neighboring cities to see if there have been any reports about her missing since none were found here. So, until all of that is sorted out, she will be staying with you, Kirstein."

"What? Why me?"

"What? Why him?"

"Because I said so," muttered Ackerman as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Sir, please, this horse face won't take good care of her."

"I never thought this day would come, but Yeager is right, sir. She'll probably be better off with this shithead."

Ackerman heaved a weary sigh. He wasn't in the mood to deal with their childish bullshit, not after the long day he'd had.

"How about we let her choose then?" he suggested.

"Yes, that's a good idea," Yeager said confidently.

Kirstein rolled his eyes. "Tch, whatever."

The three of them headed back to the room where you were quietly chatting with Captain Zoë who'd helped you quiet down and brought you some food. As soon as you caught a glimpse of Captain Ackerman, however, you leaped from your seat and dashed to hug his leg.

"Why doesn't he take her?" Kirstein mumbled to Yeager, earning a lethal glare from his superior.

Ackerman got down on one knee before you and gently placed his hands on your shoulders.

"Y/N, until somebody comes to get you, you'll have to stay with either uncle Eren or uncle Jean."

"Can't I stay with you?" you inquired as you gaped into his steely yet warm eyes.

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