"Same killer, same MO, just in small amounts." You said.

Blade hummed in agreement. "Exactly."

You shut your eyes and groaned loudly. "We never checked to see who has bought a Zero Tolerance lately! Run it down, if it's a name we recognize, we bring them in."

"Oh, here's a name!" Jeongin said. "Her name is Moon Ara. She was one of the people that called Mrs. Kim the hour prior to her death."

"Okay, tell me everything you can about her."

Minho and Jisung got up, fighting over the remote to the plasma for a moment before Jisung won. "She is twenty seven years old, she works for the same law firm office that Mrs. Kim worked at, and she does not have a criminal record, but she does use Diazepam."

"Where is she right now?" You asked.

Seungmin raised his hand to get your attention. "I pinged her cell, she's at the... Royal Hotel Seoul?"

As soon as you pulled up to the hotel, you saw Ara. She was staring up at the blackened and burnt side of the building, almost admiring it. Her body language was off, and that made you uneasy.

"Stay in the car." You said.


You turned to Felix with an eyebrow raised. "No?"

"Y/N, you can't do everything on your own. That's it. You have me and Changbin for a reason, we're going with you." He said.

"You're right." You sighed. "Watch your six."

The three of you got out and slowly approached her, guns drawn and aimed at her. "Moon Ara?"

She looked back at you slowly. "Who's asking?"

"Federal Agents."

She bit her bottom lip and narrowed her eyes at you before running. You grumbled under your breath and the three of you split up to cut her off. She went down an alleyway, which made it easy on you, so before she could turn the next corner, you stepped in front of her. When she turned to go the other way, Felix and Changbin were already blocking her.

She rolled her eyes and put her hands up, so you cuffed her and took her back to the car. "It might just be me, but the runners are always more suspicious."

Changbin was lost in thought as he looked through the glass of interrogation. He couldn't stop thinking about the alleyway and what it reminded him of.

"That's right. Man up and face your problems."

How nervous he was when he hit Sang-Ki with that stolen gun.

"Get him home and give him some ice. I'm giving this back to the owner."

"Hello? Earth to Changbin?"

Changbin blinked a few times and looked over to see Jisung. "Sorry."

"You're good. I was just asking where Y/N was."

"I can imagine she'll be in interrogation in any-" he cut himself off as you opened the door and sat in front of Ara. "Second."

"She's so good at interrogation." Jisung said. "I wonder why she always goes in alone?"

"Director Yoon said she's always been that way, even before she was an official field agent."

You moved the chair out from underneath the table and moved it back, keeping your distance from Ara. "Tell me why you were at the hotel."

"I don't think it's any of your business."

"Oh, it's my business. Tell me if I'm wrong, but you were just admiring the damage the bomb did. I guess you like admiring things that are wrong, hm?" You questioned. "You bought a Zero Tolerance lately."


"A Zero Tolerance was found in our murder investigation."

She leaned forward and held her hand up. "I did not commit murder!"

"Prove it. Our evidence points to you in this case. You use Diazepam, there were trace elements of Diazepam in our victim when she died- she doesn't use it. You bought a Zero Tolerance and it was found at our crime scene. Where were you three days ago between six and eight p.m?"

"I was working. You can call my boss, and he will vouch for me. I did not kill anyone."

You raised your hand up, telling one of the guys to check her alibi, and they did. "Tell me why you were at the hotel."

She groaned. "We're still on that! Maybe I was just looking at the damage!"

"Except your body language was telling me that you were pleased." You whispered. "That makes me think you're hiding something."

"I want my lawyer."

You hummed and grabbed your file, pushing the chair back under the table aggressively and making Ara jump. You slammed the door to interrogation, aggravated more than you should have been.

You took a deep breath as Jisung walked up to you. "Her alibi checks out. Her shift that night was two to ten p.m."

You shook your head and walked past him, back to the squad room where you threw the file down and stood in the middle of the open room. "I want to know why we aren't getting the correct suspects! How are they all checking out and why! I will not let this case go cold."


You turned to see Changmin walking up to you. "Sir?"

"If you can't get this case figured out in the next week, we're setting it aside. Not my idea, my superiors are telling me to pass this on." He said.

You nodded. "We'll figure it out."


Unhinged; Han Jisung. Where stories live. Discover now