Dont Hate Me

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Hello, so this is a pretty cute chapter I think so at least.  It does seem kinda stupid, but hey it's fan fiction and we let our imagine go wild 😂.WARNING ⚠️ does have a few swear words. Well more like one but, if you don't like that then please skip. I hope you are safe and enjoy this chapter 😊
Nikki/Mum Prov
Tom: "Mum I don't know how I feel about this.." he said unsure.
Nikki:  "Tom I know it's scary, but she is a growing girl and this boy seems very nice."
Tom: "Wait you've met him?"
Nikki: "Tom sweetie you are becoming stressed calm down now. Listen, I am keeping an eye out ok. I bet y/n is doing the same. I won't let anything bad happen to her I promise."
Tom: "Mum y/n is secretive, she could be hiding the deepest of things right now and we wouldn't know." He said running his fingers through his hair stressed.
Tom: "I can't have anything bad happen to her...... I should just fly back and check o-"
Nicki: "No Thomas! Listen, I know you have seen her through her worst, and I know with that comes a big brother instinct to protect her. But, there is a time where she has to learn and grow on her own, without her big brother. She needs to figure out when she can people, and know when they are right for her. Please Thomas clam down."
Tom then sighed and agreed with me on what I said. I know he is worried who wouldn't be, but she needs to learn and now is the time.
Time skip-Next Day
Y/n prov
  I got up and did my morning routine for school. I went down stairs to be greeted by my mum and brothers. I was excited this morning, but not for a "normal" reason. I was excited to see Chris. I have no idea why but, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I can't jump to conclusions right now I'm going to be late. I get in the car with my mum and we are off to school.
We arrive and I see Chris waiting at the front of the school. I jump out of the car and wave goodbye to my mum.
Y/n: "Hey Chris" I said cheerfully.
Chris: "Hey!Hows your morning going so far?"
Y/n: "Oh you know pretty good. How about you?"
We continued on with our conversation until our first class. We take our seats and wait for the lecture to begin. Once it was over we started to walk down the halls. I then saw this group of girls staring at me. My heart started to beat faster with nerves.
Chris: " Hey you ok? You've gone a bit pale" he said worried.
  Y/n: " Yah I'm fine." I stated giving a reassuring smile.
Chris: "Well anyways, what do you think about the new Spider-Man movie?"
I gave him a look of confusion.
Chris: " Spider-Man far from home. I saw it and I thought it was good. Well actually, I thought the romance part was cheesy, but the action part was so amazing and well planned." He said confidently.
Y/n: " Wow you take your movies seriously." I said laughing.
Chris: " Hey I'm just giving my honest opinion." he said with a slight chuckle.
  We then get through the rest of the day and make our way to the doors to exit school. I was talking to Chris, when my books where rudely slammed out of my hands. I stood there shocked and pale with fear with what was about to come.
  I look up and see a tall girl with brown hair. I locked my e/c (eye color) with her green ones. Once I saw who it was I dropped my head low.
Natalie (if you're name is Natalie then you may change it:)): "Well well well. I thought you would never show up again. To bad though, I was enjoying the quite. But hey, this is at least fun." She said with a chuckle.
  A group started to form around Chris and I. I couldn't move I felt....well....paralyzed. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but worst of all...I could feel Chris's. It's like he was waiting for me to do something. But yet I couldn't, I was weak and shaking in fear. Until I heard it.....
  Chris: " HEY! WhAT THE HElL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He said stepping in front of me.
Natalie: " Um excuse me. I don't know who you are and I don't really want to but step out of the way" she said with annoyance.
Chris: " Listen here you little prick. I don't give a shit if you are rich, or have a nice house or what ever. You can't just go picking on others thinking you're the "coolest". I mean what has she done that's so bad. She's the nicest person I have ever met." He said with confusion in his tone.
Natalie: " Ugh what do you mean? I have every right to be mad at her. All I have ever asked was for one autograph from her brother....ONE. And she never gave it to me." She said crossing her arms.
Chris: " Her brother? Autograph...... what?"
Natalie: " Ugh right you're the new kid. Her brother is Tom Holland. Yah THE Tom Holland."
  My heart stopped. I haven't told him I'm related to Tom. I look up to see Chris looking up at me with shock and confusion.
Chris: " Wait your brother is Tom Holland".
With all the eyes looking straight at me. All I could spit out was-
Y/n: "Please dont hate me....."

Hello, so I know again I haven't updated in a while. I have been going through family issues with all this Corona going on in this world. I am going to be updating again on Sunday so stay tuned for that. I hope you are all staying safe and washing your hands. I love you all and have an amazing day/night 😊

I Will always be here जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें