My life

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My name is Y/N Holland yes I am tom Holland's sister I am 13 years old. Now you must be thinking I have so many friends and being a celebrity's sister is the best. But you are wrong in ever way.
I was walking down the school hallways when someone rammed into me.
"Watch it Hollywood" they said
I got up and picked up all my books and head to my locker. When I got to my first period class everyone just stared at me like I was contagious but I am not. When it was my last period class someone asked if they can come over to my house and see my brother.
"No he is in Canada and I don't know you" I said putting thing away
"Fine can you tell him I am his biggest fan" she asked
I was so annoyed I just walked away with my back pack on my back. When I walked out of the school everyone started asking me to say things to my brother but I ignored them. Then some kid came over and pushed me to the ground and I scraped my knee making it bleed.
"Oh no your designer jeans are going to get stained" the kid said laughing. Every one just stared and started laughing. I got up and ran to my house crying. When I opened the door I didn't even look or say hi to my mum. When I got to my room I slammed the door and threw everything down. I slid down my door crying. I then heard a knock on my door.
"Y/N you alright dear"my mom asked
"Yah yah I am fine" I said as my voice broke at the last part
"Can I come in sweetie"
"No just leave plz" I said a little stern
I heard her walk off and the rest of the night I cried my self to sleep on the floor. The next morning was Saturday so I had no school. When I woke up I saw I was on the floor and my jeans had some blood on them. I got up and headed to my bathroom to clean my wounds. I got some spray that helped scrapes and cutes. When it hit my knee I flinched at the stinging sensation on my knee. I then got up and headed down stairs. I saw my mum cooking breakfast.
"Morning sweetie" my mum said
"Morning" I said looking down and going to sit at the table
"What happened yesterday why where you so sad" she asked worried
"Nothing just stressed" I said
She put breakfast on the table and called down all my brothers Harry,Sam and patty we all ate and got ready for the day. When I got in the shower the water stung my knee and so I winced at the pain.
When I was done I looked at all my scraped and bruises on my body. I was so disappointed I am not the girl I was in London. My mom then called me down cause she had some news for us.
"Thomas is coming home today and staying for 5 weeks" my Mum said excitedly
"Yay I said looking down" I was happy tom was coming home he is my best friend and the best brother in the house lol. I just didn't want him to figure out what was going on in my life.

Sorry if this is short but it gets better and tom will be in the next one so yah hope you enjoy 😊

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