He is using you

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I just wanted to say this is super cute cause Tom is being a very good older protective brother lol well enjoy

It has been a month since the accident now and things have been brighter. Tom is don filming a movie and he is back. I got my cast off and I am able to stay in my room and everything is going great.  In fact I sorta got a boyfriend Tom doesn't know about him yet but that's going to change today. I got to school and I immediately ran to Rogers locker.
"Hey roger I was wondering if you would like to hang out today"
"Uh yah y/n can we do it at your house"
"Uh yah why"
"Reasons that I can't say but is it ok"
"Yah for sure I will see you after school"
The bell then ring for first period class and I ran off to go. Through out the day I just listened to music in my ear buds during class. Then late period was over and I ran back to roger.
"You ready roger" I asked
"Uh yah only if you are" he said with a awkward laugh
We then headed off to my house. The whole time roger just stood there staring at his phone and not really talking but what can I do.
We then show up to my house and wipe the snow off our feet.
"TOM IM HOME" I screamed
"Hello darling ho-" he paused when he saw roger
I the liked at roger and saw he had is mouth wide open staring at Tom.
"Y/n darling who is this" Tom asked
"Oh um Tom this is roger my boyfriend" I said giving a slight smile
"Y/n can I talk to you for a bit in another room please" he said gritting his teeth
"Uh yah sure, roger make yourself at home I will be back"
"Y/n when did you get a boyfriend!" Tom whispers shouted
"Uh a week ago but I was planning on telling you chill Tom"
"I don't have a good feeling about him y/n"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know but there is something wrong"
"What ever Tom just please be happy for me things are turning out good now and I am happy so please don't ruin this"
I then walk out and saw roger sitting on the couch on his phone on once again.
"Hey you want anything like tea or coffee or water"
"Uh yah water would be nice"
"Ok thanks"
Toms prov
Once y/n left I saw roger start texting someone so I went to go chat with him.
"Hey roger"
"T-t-Tom h-Holland hi"
"So how did you meet y/n"
"I Uh have her in my math class she helps me"
"Really huh and what got you in to her"
"Uh I Uh I don't know but uh can I get a autograph please"
I nodded and that's when it hit me he was using y/n to get to me. Roger the got a phone call.
"Uh this is my mom I need to answer" he said getting up.
Right before he did I saw it was not his mom. The contact stated best friend. He went to the bath room and I put my ear to the door (stalkier Tom oof).
"Hey Jake"
"Yah I am at her house"
"Yah man I also got autograph from her brother Tom Holland"
"Yah of course probably going to brake up with her tomorrow since I got what I want"
"Yah man well gtg she will get suspicious"
I then ran to my room. I knew something was off and it was not good. Y/n is going to be hart broken and I need to do something before it's to late.

Awww I live when Tom is protective of the reader lol well as always love all of you and see you later bye 👋🏻

I Will always be here Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora