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A/N: this was a pretty long chapter for me to write so expect many grammar and spelling errors, it was going to be a lot longer but i decided to cut it in half for the next chapter.

"Weʻre going to attack UA?" Izuku asked as he sat on the bar counter, holding a bowl of cereal. "Was it you guys that let the reporters into the school this morning?"

"It was a distraction to get Kurogiri in, weʻll be attacking tomorrow, Sensei has a new toy for us to test out on All Might." His brother explained, "Youʻre coming with us."

The younger gave a bored expression, "Why? You know I wont be of any use. I wont attack students or kids my age or a hero unless its life or death." He said, "Im just a kid living with a bunch of villains that I call my family, iʻd get in the way."

"No you wont Izuku, weʻll warp back to base once things get complicated, this will be a good learning experience for you too, Sensei will think so as well." His brother tried to reason, "Just be there."

Izuku only rolled his eyes, "Fine, just warp me there when you guys are ready to leave." He got off the counter, handing his empty bowl to Kurogiri who took it to the back for washing later.

"And could I ask you something outside?" Tenko asked his little brother who replied with a nod and followed the other out the door and a bit further from the bar. "Do you want to stay with us?"

"Of course I want to stay with you—!" He was cut off.

"No I mean, do you really want to stay with villains, youʻll live your life away without ever having normal friends or going to high school. Youʻll never get to be a hero, if anything, youʻll get caught and go to jail." Tenko frowned, "It doesnt matter if im your brother or you call Toga and Dabi your friends, we will always support you and it doesnt matter that Sensei wants you here. Youʻll live the rest of your life as a vigilante or even become a villain at one point. What do you want to do."

Izuku had only stared at the taller male. His answer has always been clear to him, no matter how many times he was let down, there was always the good in heroes and there were many he still respected. A villain is what he least wanted to be despite everything, despite what he already was and how much he owed All for One.

"I want to make you my heir."

His teachers voice rang in his ears, leaving an uncomfortable feeling in his gut. Being All for Oneʻs heir would be submitting to villainy and he didnt want that. So will full confidence he answered, "I want to be a hero." This left brother with a satisfied smile.



He practically tackled the underground hero when he saw him checking over something on his phone during his patrol break. This earned him a glare from the hero, "Kid, what are you doing being so hyper so early in the morning."

"What are you doing awake on a school night, Eraserhead." The boy retorted, "Youʻre taking your students to USJ in a few hours."

The man only gave him a serious look, "And how did you come across that information?"

"The villains....the ones im associated with are going to attack USJ tomorrow." He admitted, shame in his eyes as he looked at the floor, "They want to kill All Might."

"Are you sure?" The hero knelt down to meet his eyes.

"I told you I wouldnt lie to you if you didnt lie to me." Was the vigilantes response, "Im going to be there but I wont do anything along with the villains, im betraying my family for your class, Eraser."

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