"Thank you."

Mrs. McBride left the kitchen Irma and I finished cooking dinner we set the dining room table for dinner. 

"Liz what kinds of clubs can I join?" Irma asked. 

"I'm not really sure." I said. 

"Thanks for taking me school shopping." 

"You're welcome," 

Irma and I returned to the kitchen we heard Stefan and Mr. McBride come into the house Irma fixed up the coffee pot and turned it on. Stefan came into the kitchen he walked over to me and kissed my cheek. 

"Need a hand?" Stefan asked. 

"Do you mind cutting the chicken?" I said. 

Stefan cut the chicken while Irma and I dished up the rest of dinner. 

"Liz, your mom and Sam are here to see you." Mr. McBride called, entering the kitchen. 

I left the kitchen and walked into the living room Mrs. McBride excused herself and left the living room my mom and Sam sat on the couch and stared at me I folded my arms across my chest. 

"Elizabeth, your mom and I would like you to return home so we can talk things over." 

"I'm not going home I'm staying here." 

"This isn't your home and you know it." Sam said. 

"The McBride's don't have a problem with me staying here." I replied. 

I didn't feel like talking anymore I just wanted to be left alone I turned on my heel and headed to exit the living room. 

"Don't you turn your back on me young lady!!!" 

"You're not my dad and don't raise your voice to me!!" 

"Liz please come to Sam's law office for a job interview Monday morning." my mom said.

"What part of I don't want to work at Sam's law office don't you get stop trying to run my life it's my life and I'm going to run it my way. I know what I want to do with my life." I stated. 

"You have just burned your bridges!!!" Sam bellowed. 

"I never enjoyed a fire more." I sneered. 

I walked out of the living room I heard my mom and Sam leave I joined everyone in the dining room. I felt tears burning my eyes I excused myself from the table and left the dining room I left the house. I walked up the street and stopped at the corner of Fleet Street near the Shell gas station I looked over my shoulder I spotted Stefan walking towards me he wrapped his arms around me I buried my face in his shirt and cried. 

"Let's go home and talk." 

"I don't have a home and I don't belong anywhere." 

"That's not true you belong here with me." Stefan said. 

We walked back to the house we walked up the front step I opened the front door and walked inside the house with Stefan following behind me. 

"Head on upstairs to our room I'll be up in a minute." 

I walked upstairs to Stefan's room I walked into the room I removed my Converse and sat on the bed I felt a new round of tears coming. I laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling I wiped the tears from my eyes I heard Stefan walking up the stairs I looked over at the doorway and saw Stefan enter the room shirtless. He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes Stefan laid back on the bed. 

"I haven't seen you this upset since your bird DRaven died when we were freshmen in high school." Stefan said trying to lighten the mood. 

"I remember when you gave me the bird for my birthday, I still don't know why I named a yellow and green parakeet DRaven." I sniffled. 

"You named your parakeet DRaven from our favorite character Eric DRaven from the movie The Crow." 

"I still have his ashes in a keepsake box from when I had him cremated." 

Stefan kissed my forehead I curled up beside him, he wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his bare chest. 

"Are you going to tell me why you're shirtless?" I asked curiously. 

"I bit into a sack of blood and got blood on my shirt." He said. 

Later on, that night Stefan and I were laying in the darkness I kissed his cheek he draped his arm across me. 

"I get the feeling that my mom and Sam hate me for shooting my dad with the crossbow." 

"Honey, you didn't have a choice your dad had a gun pointed at your mom." 

"I didn't want to shoot him but I was afraid he was going to shoot my mom." I stated. 

Stefan stroked my cheek and hair I slowly drifted off to sleep.  

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