Chapter 6

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"Shhhh little one it will be ok" I wake hearing a soft voice and also little cries. Getting up from the floor I head into the kitchen to see Kyungsoo rocking baby Taemin in his arms as the little one is being rather fussy this morning.

"Hey hey little man what's wrong?" I walk closer as Kyungsoo looks really stressed making me worried. "He is rather warm and won't stop crying" Kyungsoo keeps rocking him. "I don't mean to sound out of place but if he is that warm you holding him will just make him hotter, let's lay him on the sofa but before you do that let me get a cold sheet from the press". He looks at me worried as I rush to get the sheet and return placing it on the sofa.

"OK give him to me" I hold out my hands as Kyungsoo kisses his sons cheek and hands him over. "Hey little man, lets take these clothes off and leave you in your vest and diaper" I start to unbutton his clothes taking them over his head as I feel he is rather warm. "OK Kyungsoo have you got an baby medicine?" I look at a worried Kyungsoo as he runs towards the pram grabbing a small black bag and returning with it. "Yes here, I totally forgot" he zips open the little bag and pulls out some baby medicine and a little syringe. Filling up the syringe with medication I hold Taemin close to me. "Don't hate me Kyungsoo ok" I watch as he looks at me puzzled as I hold Taemin's arms down and pour the medicine out of the syringe into his mouth. "There we go" I lay him back down on the sofa as he still keeps making a fuss. "Sit with him for a second" I get up and rush into the kitchen turning the hot tap on knowing the water would have warmed up by the fire lastnight. Mixing some cold water with it I grab some dish coths and wrip them into pieces as I hurry back to the sofa.

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo watches me as I get on my knees at the side of the sofa and dip the cloths into the water. Ringing them out I place one on Taemin's head and another on his wrists. "Where did you learn to do this?" Kyungsoo asks me making me smile. "I have a nephew and he got a temperature one time and I watched my mother do this, it seemed to have worked for her" I smile giving him some hope that we can get his fever down but deep inside I hope it works.

After a half hour Taemin is fast asleep and his temperature has broken. "Thank you ever so much, you are like a hero or an angel sent to me" he blushes making me smile at his cuteness. "I am no angel Kyungsoo, just at the right place at the right time" I get up from the floor and carry the bowl of now cold water to the kitchen. "I could never do what you just did I always froze and my partner took charge, but now I'm on my own I guess I need to learn" he smiles a little before walking back to his son.

"Fancy some food?" I whisper loudly as he turns back around "I'd love some" he walks back towards me looking very tired. "How about I make us a sandwich with some fresh meat and then you can go rest, you do look tired and you may need all the rest you can get if Taemin's temperature goes high again". He just nods his head and walk off over to the large window. "I can't believe it is still raining, but I feel so cut off from the world that I want to just open this door and step outside just to look down at the street below, does that sound weird?" He questions me making me laugh as I butter the bread for our sandwiches. "If that's what you wanna do go for it, but put a rain coat on" I continue to make our sandwiches as he walks out of my view before returning with his coat on and his hood up and opens the door to the balcony slipping on shoes I left by the door. "Crap I thought you where joking" I rush and grab my coat checking taemin first as I then hurry out after him as I see him standing close to the edge looking at the street below.

"I thought you were kidding, I didn't think you would come out here" I laugh as he looks at me all smiles and wide eyed. "Feel the breeze and the rain" he stands with his arms out and his head up with his eyes closed letting the rain fall onto it. "Are you crazy" I laugh as he looks at me "No I'm just happy to be alive thanks to you" his smile fades as I find myself moving closer to him placing my hands on his arms while looking into his eyes then his lips. I move a little more closer connecting our lips softly and kissing before I pull away. "Don't stop please" he whispers as I pull him in hugging him as I kiss him again. The rain is getting heavier but I don't care. Soft little cries makes us both pull away and rush back inside giggling.

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