Chapter 18

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Next morning

Baekhyun lays in bed staring at the ceiling since Kyungsoo left during the night after they made love. He feels his heart break every minute he is away from the guy he saved only a few days ago .

Buzz buzz

His alarm goes off for work making him sit up letting out a sigh. He really thought last night he could change Kyungsoo's mind but after everything he failed. He really does just need to take a step back like they had planned and let Kyungsoo find his own way.

Climbing out of bed tired from no sleep he heads to his bathroom for a cold shower to help wake him up.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz

Baekhyun hears the door as he rushes out of the shower still dripping wet while wrapping a towel around himself shouting for whoever it is to hang on

"Where's the damn fire?" he watches as Chanyeol bursts in the room smiling

"So how did last night go?"

"Chanyeol really I'm trying to get ready for work"
Baekhyun heads back to his shower to rinse off the shampoo from his hair.

"Come on spill" Chanyeol follows the smaller down the hallway to his bathroom

"Chanyeol I'm in the shower"Baekhyun huffs as he rinses the shampoo from his hair

"Yeah I can see that so tell me what happened last night?"

"Why don't you ask Kyungsoo?"

"I would, but he and Luhan where talking like a couple of girls last night so I didn't get any gossip" Chanyeol stays in the doorway watching the smaller finish rinsing off in the shower.

"Poor Chanyeol missing out on gossip," Baekhyun teases, making Chanyeol move closer to the sink and turn on the cold tap as Baekhyun screams in the shower from the sudden change in water temperature. "You bastard" he jumps from the shower turning it off as Chanyeol keeps laughing

"Here catch" Chanyeol throws the smaller a towel as they both leave the bathroom.

"Does your boyfriend know you're up here watching me all naked in the shower?".

"Baek we are friends years I've seen everything before it hasn't changed" Chanyeol plops down on the bed wiggling his eyebrows

"What you mean , I bet some things have changed" he looks down while drying his private parts with the towel

"Eh I'm not so sure"

"Fuck off Chanyeol" Baekhyun throws the wet towel at the taller making Chanyeol just laugh at him

"So Kyungsoo starts work today?"

"Yeah his desk is just outside my office all ready for him " Baekhyun says while changing into some underwear

"Wait, you have him as your secretary?" Chanyeol sits up looking at the smaller knowing it's a bad idea

"Yeah why not ?'

" Baekhyun he needs to be away from you not working as your slave"

"I don't have slaves and I guess you're right. I'll move him to work with Jaehyun in accounts"

"Do you even know if he can do accounts?" Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun gets dressed

"Shit no I don't "

"Put him with Jeno in administration let him see the work coming in don't fuck him in the deep end. Plus he will be away from you "

"Ok ok anything else boss?" baekhyun smiles as he buttons up his shirt before tucking it into his trousers

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