Chapter Two

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Arriving at the penthouse building the security hurry out the main door when they see one of their most important residents arrive. Opening an umbrella the two security men stand close to the door as the rain pounds so hard it nearly take lumps out of the ground. "Umbrellas are no use help me get this pram out of the back" Sehun shouts over the noise of the rain as he opens the boot of the car.

"We are at my building now Kyungsoo, let's head inside and get your baby warm ok" Baekhyun looks at the stranger who is looking out the car window shivering not knowing what to do. "Please we will all catch colds if we don't get dry soon and we can't let baby get sick" Baekhyun says making the smaller turn his head quick and just nodd "OK" as baekhyun jumps out of the  car into the storm while rushing around to the passengers side of the car. "The pram is inside with security sir" Sehun shouts as he watches his boss take off his coat placing it over kyungsoo and his baby to keep them a bit more dry as they climb out of the car and head inside.

"Sehun are you going to stay, I don't like the idea of you being out in that rain now that it's getting worse" Baekhyun says while moving his new house guest towards the lift. "I need to get home to my boyfriend sir he is worried. Plus my place is not that far from here" Sehun says as he opens the building door to brace himself. "Tell Suho I said hi" Baekhyun shouts after him as he watches his driver get into the car. "Be safe" he whispers before turning himself back towards the lift.

"Mr Byun is there anything we can do for you?" security asks as they wipe the water from the floor. "Stay safe guys" Baekhyun says as he closes the lift door.

"I live at the top of the building in the penthouse that uses a code. The code is 0412. You just key it in and it will bring you to my floor and also if you want to leave press that code so the lift knows it needs to come to my level. Only people that have this code can reach my penthouse. So just incase you need it ok" Baekhyun punches in the code making the lift move as he looks at his house guest and baby.

The ding of the lift sounds as the doors open up into a massive open place area. Stepping inside as baekhyun pushes in the pram. "Welcome to my home" Baekhyun smiles as he leaves the pram near a heater and pulls off his soaking wet now squeeky shoes.

 "Welcome to my home" Baekhyun smiles as he leaves the pram near a heater and pulls off his soaking wet now squeeky shoes

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(A/n I wanted a cosy penthouse)

"You live here alone?" Kyungsoo looks around from where he is standing afraid to move anymore and soak the beautiful home. "Yes I live alone. Please come in I can show you to my spare room you can  get dried and changed in" Baekhyun signals with his hand what way to go but kyungsoo doesn't move. "I'm afraid to get your beautiful wooden floors wet" a very shy kyungsoo says making baekhyun smile. "Don't worry about my floors I'm more concerned about you catching your death of cold. Your shaking" Baekhyun is keeping his distance as he can't allow this person he just met and brought to his home panic and leave to go back out into that storm again.

"OK" kyungsoo says as he starts to follow Baekhyun down a long hallway stopping outside the door.

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