Chapter 19

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Feeling a bit better now that I am back from my drive and nice and fresh from a hot shower, I wrap my nice fluffy towel around my body and head to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of wine from the fridge I pour out a glass and take a sip. Looking towards the sitting room I can't help but smile remembering Kyungsoo and Taemin and how much I liked them being here. I should have stopped them moving out but on the other hand I know he needed the space and time. Sighing and feeling low I make my way into the sitting room and take a seat on the sofa. My mind drifts to what they are both doing right now. Is Taemin having a bath or has he had it already and is smelling that fresh baby smell. Is Kyungsoo ok after his first day working for me . I want to know so badly.

Heading to my bedroom I go in search of my phone and see I have missed a text from Kyungsoo asking was I ok.

Just as I am about to message him back, I hear a knock at my door. Making my way to the door and holding my towel hoping it won't fall I open the door to see Chanyeol looking concerned and out of breath.

"What's wrong?"

" On our way to the hospital Taemin has a very high temperature" he leans over trying to catch his breath

"Shit" I rush back to my bedroom drop my towel and quickly get dressed.

" We had just left, and he called us saying he was not well, and could we come back" I hear Chanyeol shout from just outside my room.

"Why didn't he come up here or call me?" I shout back feeling bad that I didn't check in on them when I got home from my drive.

" I have no idea, you can ask him yourself, come on I need to go you can follow us" I hear the main door close as I struggle to put some shoes on. Checking myself in the mirror that I look decent I grab my wallet and keys and head down to my car.

Climbing in I make my way to the local children's hospital and park my car. Looking around for the signs of where to go I finally find the entrance and hurry inside. Spotting Chanyeol and Luhan standing in the waiting area I look around not seeing Kyungsoo. "Where are they?" I watch as Chanyeol looks annoyed at me

"They won't let us in they said only family can go in"

" Let them try stop me" I move past them and spot a nurse. Making my way to her I chance my arm in the lie I am about to tell her.

"Excuse me , my partner and stepson have just arrived I was wondering if you could show me where they are?"

"Yes of course , what's the name?" he looks at me and I really hope he can't tell by my eyes I am lying

"Kim Taemin is my stepsons name"

"Oh yes he is right this way. I signed him in, he is very poorly" she walks me through a few doorways till we enter a doctor's room.

"Go ahead" she pushes the door for me as I step inside seeing Taemin laying on an examination bed with Kyungsoo trying to keep him happy.

"Hi" I whisper making Kyungsoo turn to face me and as soon as he does, he bursts out crying.

"I don't know what is wrong with him Baekhyun " he sniffs his nose and wipes a tear.

"Has the doctor said anything yet?" I sit on the side of the bed touching Taemin's little leg.

"No he is due to come in now, how did you get in here? they wouldn't let the others come in with me"

"I lied and said I was his stepdad .... but but that's only because I didn't want you to be alone. don't be mad please"

"I'm not, thank you for coming in" he smiles a soft smile and starts to relax a little.

"He keeps grabbing his ear and crying so much. I'm trying to get him to stop " he huffs as Taemin keeps wiggling on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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