
Start from the beginning


"C'mon kid, focus!" Phil shouted as Eros took a blow from the mechanical dragon he had been training with all morning. The wind was knocked from his lungs as his back smack flat on the ground. He groaned and smashed his fist into the dirt.

"It's okay, we can take a break," Phil sighed and powered down the machine. "You gotta think more and use your head." Phil pointed at the sword. "That thing has gotta be one with your movements."

Eros groaned and stood to his feet. "Why can't I just get this!"

"Hey now, it took your father a lot of practice."

Eros snatched his sword from the ground. "Phil, just look at him!" The tip of his blade pointed at the golden statue of his father, Hercules. "How the hell could I compare?"

Phil's eyes softened. "Eros don't be so hard on yourself."

Eros readied himself with his weapon gripped more firmly in his hand. "Turn on the damn machine."

Phil did so and watched the dragon's eyes glow a dark red. Eros made the first move by slicing at the dragon's neck, but his attempt was dodged easily. The tail of the machine knocked Eros to the ground, but the half god shot back up to his feet. This time Eros went in with a little more fire. His first swing caught the snout of the dragon, while the second cut its head clean off.

He sheathed his sword and watched the red light dim. "That's more like it."

Eros went to pick up the head but noticed that the eyes were now glowing black and a dark fog oozed out. As Eros kicked the head, a cloud of darkness took off out from the dragon, sped through Eros and out of Olympus.

With wide eyes, Eros cocked an eyebrow to Phil. "Now do you think I'm overreacting?"

"Uh you might wanna got talk to Mr. Lightning Bolt," Phil said giving Eros a nudge.

"Don't worry, I already saw," Zeus's voice boomed.

Eros looked up to where Zeus was seated in a chair in the courtyard. "Grandfather...she's
back," Eros spoke through a tight jaw. "What are you going to do?"

"Oh, my boy, I've already told you of the prophecy. This is your battle now."

"Y-You don't really mean that, do you?" Eros stuttered. "Why not send my father? He's the much better war—."

"Eros!" Zeus cut him off. "We want you." Zeus cupped a golden amulet with a silver chain into the palms of his hands.


"Yes, you."



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