"She's my tutor, so of course we have to get to know each other." I shrugged resting my case as the female-only scoffed and rolled her eyes. "And Jacob was okay with all of this?"

"What are you talking about-"

"He's okay with you guys constantly hanging out? Constantly talking, walking, kissing each other!?" She hollered out attracting a few schoolmate's attention. I shushed her immediately. Desperately trying to shut her up as my mind started to flutter with nervous thoughts.

"Look, my relationship with Charlotte is none of your business-"

"Oh! Relationship you say." Chloe chuckled out sarcastically, at that moment I wanted to punch myself in the gut.

"Not relationship but, friendship status." I corrected myself immediately. Chloe nodded her head, visibly not believing a word that escaped my mouth. Instead, her eyes met mine and they looked at me softly. She took a step closer to me, as I did the opposite feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"What's happening to you, Henry? I feel like I'm losing my best friend and I don't like that." Chloe voiced out sweetly. Her voice layering with worry and curiosity. But I didn't feel any pity in my heart, not a single drop of emotion touched it. She was toxic, always clinging on to me like a sticker, wouldn't let me breathe. Wow, big deal I haven't hanged out with her for four days.

"Well, it doesn't bother me." I shrugged without care. Her eyes only shot wide as I saw Jasper do the same. Her eyes seemed hurt at my sudden words. Suddenly, the sound of a loud bell resonated across the hallways, sending a bunch of students to walk away from their small groups and head to their class.

"So, you're going to let a girl you barely know ruin our years of friendship!?" She yelled without hesitation. Her eyebrows were scrunched together angrily but yet sadly. I sighed and started to walk away. Walking past her, I turned around to look at her one last time.

"Look, Chloe, don't take it the wrong way but, I don't wanna hang out with you anymore," I yelled out as we were now at a far distance from each other. I saw Jasper's face form into a shocked expression, eyebrows raised and eyes open wide. I didn't have enough time to gaze at Chloe as I took a sharp right turn to head to my most exciting class of the day. Biting my bottom lip, I had to admit, it was a bit harsh. I could've been a bit nicer to her, but as she kept on pressuring me to tell her it annoyed me, it irritated me. Like whenever you hear a fly buzzing everywhere threw your ears. Once we see each other again, I'll have to apologize.


As the bell rang and the students immediately sat down, our teacher smiled and got up from her seat. Her brown hair flowed as her movements were fast but gentle.

"Good morning class! How was your weekend?" She asked with a toothy grin plastered on her face. Half of the class responded as the other stayed quiet. I scanned the room slowly, noticing that a specific person was absent. I could only smile as I thought no drama was to come today. I felt my face heat up as my eyes landed on a girl with curly black hair. Her hand was covering half of her face as she rested her head on it dashingly. "Well, that's good to hear. And it looks like we're only missing Jacob today-"

Suddenly the classroom door opened up harshly, interrupting the teacher. The person who stood on the other side of the door was a problem as it revealed the boy with the curly defined hair. My eyes immediately rolled and all I wanted to do was ease him into existence, wishing he'd just disappear far far away.

Suddenly, his eyes scanned the room, his eyes suddenly met mine before he spoke up. "I'm gonna kill you, Henry!" The boy shouted causing me to look at him shocked. He immediately ran to my desk that was situated to the other end of the classroom and wrapped his thick arms around my neck squeezing it tightly. I heard everyone starting to scream, especially our teacher.

"Jacob stop! Jacob, let him go!" He didn't listen as I started smacking his arms away from my neck. His face was filled with hatred as his pupils turned icy cold. I never thought I'd admit it but, I was scared of him for a second. The way he rattled me choking me till I reached my last breath, the way his facial expression turned into a murderous glare, it all stook to my head as I felt his hands let me go harshly only for him to face his fist to my face. "Jacob stop it now!" I heard Charlotte yell strictly. With that, he let go of his tight grasp around my breathing hole and instead pushed me and the chair back, causing the back of my head to fall face-first on the hard cement.

"That's detention for you, get out of my class immediately!" Our educator yelled a Jacob. He faced me one last time staring at me with a death stare before he grabbed his bag and left the classroom closing the door with a loud thud.

The classroom went quiet for a second, and everything became slightly blurry, like an unfocused camera. I saw a face tip over my way, it wasn't hard to identify who it was. Even though a coursing pain was rampaging through my body, I managed to weakly smile at the girl in front of me trying my best to not get her to worry about me. "We'll take you to the nurse's office okay Henry? Just wait a second." I heard her speak to me. Other than that, I could hear whispers roaming threw the classroom as they were in a state of shock.

"I'm fine Char, I don't need to go." I winced slightly as I felt her hand and another pair helped me sit back down. Looking at my other direction, I thanked Ms. Candance and rubbed my eyes carefully. I heard the classroom gasp making me more curious than ever.

"Now you sure you don't have to go? You hit your head pretty hard on the ground." Ms. Candance asked me worried as I only shook my head.

"I'm fine, trust me."

"All right then." She nodded making her way back in front of the class. "Everyone settle down, it's over now." Everyone obeyed and sat down, but I could still see their heads facing my direction.

I felt nervous as I tried my best to focus on the teacher in front of me. I could hear their light whispers saying "So it's true." or either "Charlotte did cheat on him." Those phrases caused my eyes to go wide and my heart to pound. Everyone in school saw my sister's post. Plus to make matters worse, they don't know that Jacob and Charlotte aren't dating anymore, now it makes it look like Charlotte has been cheating on him all this time. While it was the other way around. Forget Chloe and Jasper thinking I was a desperate man whore, firstly I had to argue with my sister as to why she posted that pick in the first place, then convince the whole school that the situation, really isn't what it seems.

Getting my mind out of my trans, I felt a soft pair of eyes burn a whole threw me. Regardless of the fact that half of the class was paying attention to me, I turned around to meet that specific pair. I smiled as Charlotte did the same. It's crazy the number of things Charlotte does to me, I felt my eyes sparkling just looking at her and I felt my heart flutter with joy.

This is the female I would be glad to look at forever.


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