*Part 16*

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Henry's POV

Entering the school hallways once again felt like a never ending cycle. The once pile of energy that was built upon me vanished, only to be replaced with a kink of laziness and weakness. My body felt drained and tired out, not only because of the emotional trauma I'm currently witnessing, but because of the extra running I had to do to arrive to school on time.

As I reached in to the side of my pants, digging my hand inside I retrieved my now slightly cracked phone. The line that were separating the screen in half was easily visible due to it's thick swirly shape.

"Great, there goes one phone." I sighed rolling my eyes exhaustively. As I pressed that once familiar thick button on the side, the screen lit on. Now revealing an older selfie that I took with Jasper, Chloe and I. Both their faces squished against mine as if they wanted to make me explode like a balloon.

I focused my view on Chloe, her dirty blonde hair pushed against mine. Her face scrunched up together happily, exposing her barely to be seen little wrinkles. But as I thought about everything since I've got here, starting from yesterday till today, all the questioning, following, clinginess and arguments, I managed to roll my eyes and gaze at the time.

"3:29!? The bell is gonna ring in less than a-"

And to that, cutting my sentence short. The once familiar sound echoed across the building. Letting every student set free of the place they call hell. I looked around nervously, afraid that anyone would notice my sudden disappearance. As the quiet hallways were now filled with loud screams and laughs, and the empty aisles were now crowded and full. I sighed dipping my head low, feeling as if I were the odd one out.

As students bumped, pushed and squished me I felt nothing, nothing in my now heavy heart. The place that held all peace and delight with the beautiful life I once owned was now replaced with a depressed unhappy teenager. As I stood there feeling vulnerable, I suddenly felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. Seeming as if the person were trying to gain my attention. Turning around my heavy heart managed to flutter, feeling a million times better than it once were.

"You know, I think it's a bad idea for you to stay in the middle of the exit." Charlotte giggled out. As I starred at her wide eyed, not knowing what to do, she gazed at me weirdly. Letting an eyebrow grow higher than the other. She suddenly rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist. Forcing me to follow her from behind. As we passed threw inpatient students not avoiding the bumps, shuffling and squishing Charlotte managed to take us to a more calmer and secluded area.

In the little seconds we were there I felt a flush of relief coming upon me. Not being thrown around everywhere by inpatient children felt nice. But as my gaze suddenly turned to the girl in front of me, I felt even better. Feeling as if my problems were all fixed, long gone. But of course, it is far far away from that. "Thanks... I kind of zoned out back there." I chuckled nervously. Letting my hand rest to the back of my neck. Lightly brushing my short golden hair.

"Eh, no prob. Glad I could help." She winked jokingly causing a bit of chuckles to form on our mouths. But now, as the awkward silence kicked in and the students were now gone to their buses, I embarrassingly bent my head down, now looking towards the floor attempting to find anything interesting in them.

But as the seconds went by, no one uttering a word. Charlotte calmly cleared her throat, letting the sound catch my attention. Making my head raise up slightly to look towards her direction. Her mouth opened, fully exposing her pink tongue, she smiled lightly and talked. "Well, I guess I'll see you Monday." She said softly. As she quickly waved and turned around, I reached my arm out and gently placed it on her shoulder. Attempting to stop her from moving any farther. She turned around, her face scrunched up in confusion before it was my turn to now talk.

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