~*Part 25*~

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            •••••"You like her, don't you?"•••••

Jasper's POV

Henry's words stuck into my mind, the void in his expression and the lack of care in his eyes. Did he mean what he said? Or was it just a tactic for Chloe to get off his back? The way they were arguing- they never argued. They were always so in sync, never leaving each other's side. Witnessing them dispute caught me off guard, it was strange seeing them disagree on most things. They were always usually smiling, laughing, caring for each other. Whenever we'd do homework I'll always catch them slacking and distracting themselves. Sometimes I've felt as if they even forgot I was in the room.

So now, as I stood in the classroom bored out of existence. I sighed playing back the event like a stop motion. Chloe was jealous. She's never acted that way before, intense, angry and out of control. Their argument was like non-other and that scared me. It confused me as to why Henry blew out on her like that, even for him that was a bit harsh.

"Jasper. Jasper!" I heard someone yell my name. As my thoughts vanished into a void. I looked around and realized Ms. Shapen was calling me. A tight smirk grew on her face, causing me to gulp in fright.

"Yes, Ms. Shapen?" I replied nervously as I felt my throat getting dryer. As an evil smirk sparkled itself on her, I knew exactly what was coming for me. That look held pure evil, with a sprinkle of excitement glowing in her eyes.

"Would you mind repeating what I just said to the whole class?" Ms. Shapen asked me with the same unpleasing look. I gulped, feeling uneasy as the class's attention was now on me. I felt as if I was starting to sweat as I stood there no words leaving my mouth. On the other hand, she was enjoying this very much. She enjoyed seeing her students fail, and once they did, she'd laugh till her heart's content. But there was no denying that her mountain like back, pointy nose, and piercing eyes caused her to look thousand times more intimidating.

"Uhh, I- I can't miss," I whispered out in defeat.

"And why is that Mr. Dunlop?" she asked in a mocking tone. Completely disregarding the fact that she knows why. 

"That's because, I- I wasn't paying attention..."

"Oh? Is that so-" interrupting her, a loud familiar sound ringed around the classroom. A sound that all students can agree on was their favourite thing to hear. Smiling, I grabbed my belongings and left the classroom following the footsteps of my classmates as to whom I knew nothing about. As I was the last person to exit, I closed the door behind me, not bothering to pay attention to the events in front of me. But once I turned around, my eyes facing the front, my eyes widened in small fright as a familiar person jumped in front of me.

"Surprise!" he yelled as I immediately rolled my eyes and calmed down. Walking past him, I heard him sigh behind me. I ignored it as I kept making my way towards my locker. Hearing his footsteps follow me from behind, caused me to shake my head uninterested. "Oh come on Jasper. Don't be like that. You know I'm gonna apologize to Chloe later today." Henry whined as I arrived at my destination.

"Well, I hope you do," I replied unbothered as I placed my thumb on the circled blue coloured lock. As I watched it turn green, I sighed happily and started exchanging the items I was holding in my backpack. A small silence resonated between Henry and me. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I started to get uncomfortable with the cloud of silence that roamed between the two of us. As I turned around, my eyes now facing Henry's, he held a small frown that made me want to question him. But glancing a little longer, it didn't take long for me to notice the little purple that circled his right eye. Henry opened his mouth to talk and it seemed as if he knew what I was thinking as he saw the expression on my face.

"Oh yeah, the mark? I got into a little accident in class. It's no big deal really." He shrugged as I nodded my head, trying my best to seem uninterested. Another silence managed its way between us and Henry was once again the one to break it. "Jasper, are you mad at me?" He asked out of the blue. I paused thinking threw his question, that was the light distraction I needed from his throbbing eye to mask the fact that I was genuinely worried. But, in all honestly, was I mad at him? Sure, he stole the girl I've ever loved, but it's not like he knew that, and besides, he never seemed interested, or else I would be hanging with two friends that wouldn't have stopped locking lips together. Just the thought of that made my eyebrows furrow and caused my heart to slightly ache. One day I'll get over her... but not any time soon.

Realizing Henry was still in front of me waiting for an answer, I shook my head and opened my mouth ready to answer him. "No, Henry I'm not mad at you," I responded not telling the honest truth. " And to be honest, I even agree with you!" I shrugged smiling awkwardly as his eyebrows grew higher than it's the usual state.


"I mean, you're right, aren't you? Chloe can be clingy, and sometimes she just crosses the line a bit." I explained even farther, hearing her name made my stomach curl up and my blood to boil slightly, like heating water on a stovetop. Henry looked at me with concerned eyes. I bit on my bottom lip trying my best not to let my current emotion shine through. But it was too late as my chest started puffing up higher than it usually does. I could feel my face going higher than it's normal temperature. And that's when I knew I was changing from pale white, to tomato red. I turned around not wanting Henry to see me at such a state. But it didn't take long for him to leave his own commentary.

"Jasper, you like her don't you?" Henry now spoke as I couldn't deny anymore.

"Badly, Henry." I sighed in defeat as his hand made contact with my back.

I didn't have to turn to see the expression on his face. I could already imagine it perfectly in my head. His lips formed into a small pout, an eyebrow raised higher than the other, and lastly his eyes holding an expression of slight sadness.

I turned around feeling even more embarrassed than in class. Turning around and seeing his face once again he let go of my back and smiled lightly, his teeth barely able to be seen.

"I'm sorry, I was having a moment there-"

"It's fine, Jasp. Never apologize for showing emotion. It's a human thing." Henry shrugged causing a light chuckle to escape from my lips. "Now, take a breather, get your stuff from your locker and let's get you home." He smiled as I nodded my head and closed my locker. Looking at my best friend one more time, I smiled and took one last breath.

You know what? Maybe I'm not mad at him.

Henry's POV

Laying in my bed I sighed after a long afternoon. Jasper and I took the time to talk and tell each other crazy stories. I never noticed how much distance I've put between Jasp and I. I guess I tried so much to gain Charlotte's attention I forgot the people that the different me surrounded himself with. And thinking about it, as much as I hate to admit, Chloe was part of my life, and I had to accept it. Tomorrow I had to talk to her and make things better for both of us.

Walking down the roads with my old buddy Jasper, I forgot how much I missed hanging out with him. Our endless nights of fun, the weird "guy" stuff we use to do. But once I broke the first rule of our bro code, he immediately disappeared from my life never to be seen again. He blocked me on every social media. And the coincidental times I use to see him he completely ignored my presence or either pretended that we were complete strangers. But I had to admit, I deserved that treatment big time.

Placing my phone next to my nightstand, the mobile device immediately vibrated causing an echo sound to come from the wooden table. Sighing, I picked it up once again and smiled at the first and only notification.

10:56 PM

Charbear😊💕: Gn 🥰

Gazing at the text lovingly, I replied with the same simple message. After placing my phone back to where it belonged, I covered myself with my thick blue blanket. With the sudden heat engulfing my body, I relaxed my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. It didn't take long for me to fall into a deep slumber. That day didn't I only get closer with my best friend, but I also had a night filled with beautiful dreams.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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