~*Part 20*~

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                               •••"I love you"•••

"Who are you?" I asked him scared as his eyes only stared into mine with a hint of fright. I was searching for an answer threw his golden pupils, but had no luck. We were feeling the same emotions at this moment. Vulnerable and scared. But he had no right, no right of feeling like I was. I kissed him not knowing his true identity, I kissed him thinking he was someone else.

"Look Charlotte, all I can tell you is that I messed up real bad back home-"

"What are you talking about?" I stopped him confused. Henry gently captured his bottom lip and pulled it in between his teeth.

"We got into this huge fight, that caused me too lose you and- and I decided to go back in the past to try and fix things between us again." I looked at him skeptically. Not sure if I should believe his story, or call the cops. But my thoughts instantly vanished as he took a step closer to me, his eyes trapped in mines and the warmness of his body negating towards mine. As I thought things couldn't get any worse, he dipped his head low, his mouth now barely an inch away from my ear. "Only because I can't afford to lose you, Char." He said. His voice was layered in sadness only causing my mind to trust him even more. A spring of heat made its way to my heart. Warming me up gently, and guided it's way to the course of my cheeks.

I shook my head lightly, not wanting to be hypnotized by his dashing ways. I reached in and rested my hand on his chest, pushing him slightly away from me. "Look, Henry, I think I understand what you're going threw. But I also need time to process all this information." I spoke to him calmly. His gaze was only facing down. Staring at the cement bellow.

"Okay, Charlotte. I'm sorry you ever had to find out about this. But please talk to me again soon. I'll need you..." He trailed off, his eyes were now looking at the object in my hand. He reached in, his hand touching mines tenderly, he grabbed my arms slowly and raised it to my eyes. Revealing all the elements of the picture. His index finger guided itself to the little girl I was holding happily. "She will need you."

Looking down I stared at the girl for the slightest second. Confused, but mostly worried. As I took the time to analyze everything, I finally noticed she seemed oddly familiar. Familiar as in a mix of two people. Her hair was short and curly, as her lips were small but yet full. Staring at the picture for the longest time, I came into the most logical conclusion. My eyes instantly shot wide, as my jaw went a-gaped in complete shock. "Henry... Is this- is this our daughter?" I asked him slowly. I could only watch as he nodded his head, confirming that very last bit of information. He grabbed the picture from my hand slowly and put it back to its traditional spot. I watched as he started to walk away, his head facing the floor disappointedly. But I couldn't let him go just yet, I couldn't let him leave. I had too many questions, but such a short matter of time. My heart was pounding, and my mind was spinning. First my mother, but now this? When will the hell end? "Wait, Henry!" He turned around slowly, his eyebrows practically reaching the sky. I bit on my bottom lip harshly, not knowing what to do. I only shook my head, letting it rock on each side due to my disappointment. As he stood there like a stone, the only part of his body that was moving was his chest.

I only stood there silent, not knowing what to do, what to say. Or rather, how to feel. I was a big pile of emotions at the current moment, feeling sad, angry, confused but yet, happy. Happy that I was able to reproduce another person. Happy I was able to create my beautiful baby girl. But lastly, happy I married a man who cared enough for me that he'd go back in time to fix his upcoming situations with me. Thinking about it the idea was not the smartest, but in a certain way, it was sweet. I took in a deep breath, letting the outside air enter and exit my lungs. I ran up to Henry, the person who in the future I said with no hesitation my wedding vows, the person who I promised to love and cherish forever, the person I surprisingly said "I do" too. But yet again, the same person who I recently dreamed about. Taking a small leap, my feet were now off the ground. But, my arms and hands were locked tight on the neck of my future significant other. I wrapped my legs tight around his waist engulfing him in a tight hug. I dug my head even farther into the end of his hoodie now being exposed to the scent of his natural smell. I felt tears form in my eyes as he returned the hug, wrapping his strong arms across the form of my back. For the slightest second, I felt safe, I felt as if there were no more worries in life. For those tiny seconds, I even felt as if I was free.

It's crazy how a person I barely knew a week ago had such an effect on my life, I barely knew anything about him but it's as if I knew him since the beginning of time. Discarding that fact, he knew so much about me. He knew what to say and how to act at my weakest moments. And now it all made sense. My wedding dream with Henry, was really a message. It was telling me that Jacob was the wrong guy and Henry was the one.

Unwrapping my legs and arms from his body I already missed his comfortable stance. My eyes met his once again and I couldn't help but to smile weakly. I went on my tip toes, putting all pressure on the front of my feet. With my left arm I reached in towards Henry's head and forcefully glued his face to mines connecting ourselves into a deep filling kiss. This time it wasn't like the first one. I wasn't confused, I wasn't shocked. It wasn't embarrassing nor awkward. We knew what we were doing and we were enjoying it. This time it was a kiss full of love, except, I don't know if I felt the love yet. Henry slowly parted away from me, finishing off with a gentle peck on the lips. "I know that this is all too soon for you Charlotte but I just want to let you know that I love you and I'm only happy to hold you in my arms once again."

His sudden words left me speechless as I didn't know what to say.

"You don't have to say anything Char." Henry smiled warmly causing my insecurity to float into dust. "You wanna go for a walk, again? Like last time?" He asked me in his sweet voice, I could only nod as I started to follow him from behind. My eyes never left his face as a thousand questions started to form in my mind like an unstoppable tornado.

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