*Part 4*

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My face was 2 inches away from the mirror as I examined my face closely. I pulled on my skin making sure that everything was truly real. I shrieked every time I would let go of my younger looking skin.

"This really is real?" I whispered as I looked at my acne free face. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I repeated as I paced around the bathroom. Each footstep hitting the cemented floor like a rhythm as a small echo escaped from the small taps that I made over and over again. I stopped in front of the mirror once more trying to ignore the rapid beating of my energetic heart. "That Time Jerker guy really sent me back 10 years!" I panicked as I continued tapping my foot rapidly.

A couple minutes went by before a loud stinging noise rang. The same bell that I heard a couple minutes ago before running in here.

I decided to ignore it as I continued having my own panic session in the bathroom. I turned around to look at the mirror once again and raised the right corner of my lip ever so lightly as a wicked thought washed over me.

I slowly looked down at my pants and placed my thumb on the free space that was between my skin and boxers. I raised my eyebrows as I gently looked "Down There" to make sure everything was A-Okay! I sighed in relief as I realized I'm in the time of my life were it's almost done "Developing"...


I flinched in fright as a vibration hit my left thigh. I quickly let go of my pants and reached in my left pocket taking out a small rectangular object, with what seemed like a black screen on it. I squinted my eyes as I looked at the weird looking device. I examined it closely and started to play around with it in my hands. Turning it around in my hands tracing out any small detail that I could find. Until I noticed a small hand carved area where it marked-

Pearphone 8

"Oh my gosh! The pair phone 8!" I beamed as nostalgia started to kick in. "I haven't seen one of these in so long." I whispered to myself as the screen suddenly turned on by itself. In reflex...-and fright- I quickly threw my phone on the counter. I looked behind me making sure no one saw that and awkwardly grabbed the phone.

                                       9:34 AM

Chloe: Henry! Where are you? Mr. Fish is getting annoyed!

Chloe? As in Chloe Williams? I haven't heard from her since the beginning of college. And that's technically cause I- never mind. But the thing is. I haven't heard from her in a while. I guess it really is nice being able to talk to older people I know normally again. I shook my head as I looked back at my phone. I breathed in heavily already typing in a lie. Once I finished I sent it in almost instantly.

Me: Tell him that there's an emergency at home and I had to leave early, Please and Thank you!

Chloe: Omg really!? Did ur parents get into an argument?

I rolled my eyes as I started to type something else.

Me: Yeah, something like that.

Chloe: Ok. Hpe evrything get betr, I'll tty after scool then!

I squinted my eyes as I looked at the numbers of grammar mistakes she made in that one sentence. I couldn't even properly understand what she was trying to say. Plus, what in the world does tty means?

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