Chapter 12.

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Amy's POV

It's Ross...he noticed me.

-Hi...-I said facing him

-How have you been? -he said

-How do you think? -I answer with another question in a mad way. He calls himself my boyfriend but since like one month ago, I didn't knew anything from him.

-Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't call you but I was doing another stuff

-I suposed they were some important stuff -I said

I started walking away from him trying so hard not to cry and just the person I needed came to me: Matt

-Hey what's happening? -he asked when he saw me

-Ross is here -I said.

When I said that Matt just started walking so I followed him. He was looking for Ross and finally found him, he was with a group of friends. Perfect, he didn't even cared when I went away.

-HOW DO YOU DARE? -Matt screamed when he was already in front of my boyfriend

-Sorry? -he said confused but then looked at me and understood

-Matt...-I said calling his attention but all of the students were watching the scene

-Ames, this guy hurt you. It's his time -he said looking directly in Ross eyes, I could feel he was about to punch him but I was not going to let him do that. Even is Ross was a bad person, nobody deserves pain. Nobody.

-No..-everyone looked at me -he is not worth it

Matt started to calm down then he just separated from Ross

-Thank you Ames -Ross said coming to me and trying to hug me but I stopped him

-No. We aren't anything now.

-Oh..Amy..-Ross said smiling -you are never going to find someone like me -he said

-Yes, that's the point -I said smiling back

He looked embarrased and I just wanted to laugh so hard but I kept only my smile

-And... -I added, looking at Matt -I have more important people in my life right now, people that deserve love



Thanks so much for reading this story!

I really really hope you enjoyed :)

Please tell me in the comments if I should do a "Season 2"

Thanks again!

You can also read my other novel (from Dani Cimorelli) called "I love you".

Bye people<3 

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