Chapter 11.

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Amy's POV

Why do people are so mean? Why can't they be kind? I just don't understand the world!

But well, probably you are asking what happened to me so I'm gonna explain you.

Ross comes tomorrow, it passed one month since he went to Spain and since me and Sophie are no longer friends. This peculiar guy named Matthew was very kind. He had become my friend and I reallly don't know why.

-Amy, here we are. -I heard Lisa told me. We are in front of my school, I am kinda happy, you know? Like today is Tuesday but this is the last week of classes!

-Oh, yeah. Thank you Lise. -I said goodbye and then I went into the building.

I went directly to my locker and guess who was there? My now bestfriend: Matt.

-Hey Candy. -I don't know but I always laugh when he calls me like that.

-Hey Matt. -I said while I unlocked my locker.

-How are you?

-Good I guess, you?

-Fine, a little sad.

-Why? -okay, I need to admit I was preocuped.

-I heard tomorrow is coming back Lynch.

What? Why  would he be sad because of that? Maybe because I seemed a little mad since Ross went to Spain. But I had the right of being mad, I mean he didn't called me, he didn't send me a message, a letter. No, anything.


-I mean is and I don't want you to get hurt because of him.

-I'm not going to get hurt..-he interrupted me

-You already are...- after he said that I start crying. People around us watched like if we were a pair of actors practicing their play in middle of the school -Sorry! I didn't..I mean...I didn't wanted to make you feel bad.

-But you did...- it was the last thing I told him and then I walked away.

Matt's POV

I need to ruin everything always. Like litterally ALWAYS. I love Amy so much and I didn't meant to hurt her. I know he has boyfriend but I hate Lynch for making her that, what? well, leave her. I'm going to find the way to Amy to talk me again.

(Next day)

Amy's POV

Today, today was the day. Ross is coming, I don't know if he is visiting me, if he is going to school, I don't know anything about him. And i'm gonna be honest, I don't really care, I mean I still love him but he changed and I'm not sure if I like that change.

I was at school walking to my locker, finally wednesday! I'm almost done with this class period and then I have vacations.

-Do you heard about Ross? He is coming today! OMG! -a girl, whose name I dont know, said.

Ross really became famous since he started makinng covers which means all the girls are behinnd him, pretty girls want to be his girlfriends. Girls prettier than me.

I totally forgot the fact that Matt is not here today, he doesn't like Ross that much.

-OMG!!!!!!! -someone screamed behind me.

I turned around and there he was, walking through the hall, some girls where around him. I didn't payed so much attention to it. I took my books and closed the locker. Just when I'm about to leave, someone behind me says:

-Hey Amy -it's him, it's Ross...


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