"Well that's enough for me." I counter. "Y/n there could be dozens of people with that name in the city alone." Diego points out. "Well then we better start looking." This time it's Five who also speaks up. I shoot him a grateful look for taking my side on this one. Time was running out and it's being wasted on arguing instead of doing something.

Suddenly Allison speaks up through the midst of everything. "I'm sorry. Am I the only one that's skeptical here? I mean how exactly do you know all of this about what's his name?" I sigh getting more frustrated by the minute.

But in order for this to work, we're gonna need everybody as well as all the help we can get. Which is basically everybody because we're the only known people to have these powers.

"Harold Jenkins," I remind her. "You know those lunatics in masks who attacked the house?" Klaus speaks up about remembering them before Diego shoots back at him that during the attack he was too busy getting drunk while they were fighting. "Yeah them. They were sent by the Temps Commission to stop Five from coming back and preventing the end of life on earth." 

Allison looks at me confused. "My former employer." Five and I say at the same time. 'Shit.' I look at Five hoping that he wouldn't catch on but Five being observant as ever, he looked straight back at me with eyebrows furrowed. I shake my head trying to tell him 'Not here' and he reluctantly nods with pursed lips.

"They monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever is supposed to happen... happens." Five explains simply. "And they believe the apocalypse is coming in three days." I add. "I went to Commission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics."

"'Protect: Harold Jenkins' So he mist be responsible for the apocalypse." Five thinks out loud listening intently. All three adults stand there in front of Five and I staring at us before breaking out into questions once again. 'Why do I put up with these people?'

"Do you have any idea how insane this sounds?" Allison puts in one last question. I scoff looking down. "You know what else is insane? I look like a thirteen-year-old boy." Five speaks up at last and points to himself. 'Yeah, that's pretty crazy bro.' I laugh mentally before straightening myself out again and focusing back on the conversation.

I tune myself back into the conversation in time to hear Five insult Luther about him thinking he can fool everybody with that overcoat. "Everything about us is insane. It always has been." Five finishes. We should've been sent to a mental health ward instead of here. Not that we had much of a choice though.

"Look we only have three days, I'm not exactly one to speed things up but we need to do something now." I try to tell everyone. "But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died." Fuck. We did? Welp, there goes that plan. "This time, I'm here. We have the name of the man responsible." Hah, well that's Five for ya.

"Guys, we actually have a chance of saving the lives of billions of people." Persuading them was hard but if anything there was always one thing that helped us reach out to them and bring them back to reality. "Including Claire." Five adds on looking straight at Allison. "You know her name?" Five nods.

"And hopefully if this works, we may be able to live long enough to meet her." I make eye contact with Five and interlock our hands together. A moment later, we're in the car on our way to find Harold Jenkins. Whoever this fruit flavored flying fucker is.


I still couldn't believe Harold Jenkins was Vanya's so-called boyfriend. If he did something to Vanya I'm gonna best the absolute fucking shit out of him, I don't care if I go to jail. Vanya is really the only person I consider family so basically, Jenkins is fucked.

All four of us walk up to his house. Allison heads in another direction, presumably towards the back door to try getting in as Five, Diego, and I stand in front. Five heads towards the door until Diego puts his hand out. "Whoa, whoa. Hey, look, I'm gonna burst through—" They both stop and look around for anybody who may be around.

I stand there waiting for Allison to either come back to the front or open the front door from the inside, if it isn't already unlocked. Without saying anything else, Five grabs my hand and we teleport inside. I grunt landing on my feet but also leaning against Five, still a bit shocked from the sudden teleport.

A sound breaks through the air as Diego grunts, getting up from the ground with pieces of glass and metal scattered on the floor. Allison, Five, and I walk over to the front. "Subtle." Allison comments sarcastically. "You know, the door was unlocked." Five opens twists the knob as the door swings open slightly.

Diego gets to his feet and we spread out looking for anything that may lead us to Vanya, Harold, or anything else bad. As I'm looking around in the rooms upstairs, I hear Allison shout from the attic. Everybody collects together in the small attic and look around. Holy mother of man whores.

"All our faces are burnt off." Allison observes. It was like a secret shrine to the Umbrella Academy. Except in a not so worshipping way. No, this was the work of an obsessed maniac. "This guy's got some serious issues." Diego says quietly.

I blink. Fuck. I reach and grab at the gun wound in my shoulder that was still bleeding out. I had lost too much blood and now I was paying the price. I could feel everything around me fade and I started to blink more in order to keep conscious. It almost nearly worked until my legs gave out, making me collapse to the ground but at this point I couldn't feel or hear anything around me.

My eyesight was getting blurry and it seemed like Five had now picked me up and teleported is back inside the car. Before anything else happened, my eyes shut down along with my body and my mind.


The first sound I heard was the sound of steady beeping. An alarm clock? No. But it was just as annoying as one. I wanted to open my eyes. I wanted to see Five. But it felt like so much work. Breathing felt like so much work. Fuck.

I passed out. Who knew for how long though? 'The apocalypse may as well be happening right now while I'm here safe and sound. Wait, I'm not in a coma am I? No. But why can't I open my eyes? Just open.' And on my command, they did. But I have to say I was moreover expecting to see Five, not some dude in a hazmat suit.

I open my mouth. I could feel my chapped lips rub against each other and I cringe internally at the feeling. I try to speak but I can't. Nothing comes out of my mouth except for a raspy noise. 'All this from a gunshot wound in the arm?' I sure as hell know I ain't that weak. I'm the baddest bitch I know.

I'm the only bitch I know. Besides Luther. But thats besides the point. 'Where the hell am I?' My eyes dart around for anything that can help me distinguish where I am. But it was like a scene in the movies. There was only a single spotlight above me leaving the rest of the room dark with the heart monitor beside the bed and the guy in the hazmat suit.

My eyes land on the small metal table, the opposite side of the heart monitor, that held a glass of water. Gulping the water down, I take a fresh breath of air all while hazmat suit guy stands there at the end of my bed. "Who are you? Where am I? Why are you wearing that?" It's not like I had a disease or anything. "Ah, so you're awake. Glad to have you back Y/n."

Fuck. I recognize that voice anywhere. The click clacking of heals echoed throughout the room and the shadows of the dark room opened up a path to reveal karma, the witch, the spawn of satan herself.


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