Mafia AU! Tim x MafiaLeader!reader

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For this book, Tim is in his last year of Robin. You're both seventeen. WARNING: UNDERAGED DRINKING

My device is old and sucky and won't let me type too much over a 1000 words so this will be in a two parts.

(Y/n)'s pov

Drumming my fingers on the smooth wood desk, I waited for my assistant to meet with me. I sat behind my desk, with my legs propped up on the desk, leaning back in my chair.

I checked the clock. She was supposed to be here a minute ago. I released a sigh as the door opened. The purple haired female stumbled in. She tripped on the carpet and scattered papers everywhere. Rolling my eyes I stood and walked over.

"I-I'm s-so sorry sir!" She yipped. I held up a hand to silence her as I bent down to pick up the papers.

I handed them to her, stood up and went back to behind my desk.

"Alright Madeline, what do you have to report?" I inquired, placing my palms on the desk nd leaning forward.

"U-um... I h-have here a r-report th-that B-Batman a-and R-Robin f-found out about t-tonights m-meeting and are p-planning to
s-spy. " she stuttered out, coming forward to hand me a black file. I narrowed my eyes, taking the file.

She squeaked as I stared at her.

"How on earth did they find out?" I cried. Madeline flinched, curling a strand of purple hair around her finger.

"Y-your m-meeting arranged p-partner t-tipped us-" -She caught herself- "you o-off." She explained.

"That bastard." I muttered. Oh well. I was going to kill the man anyway. I turned back to Madeline. "Thank you Madeline, have my suit ready for me and the club in perfect condition to be opened at nine pm sharp."

"Y-yes sir." She whispered, turning to leave.

"Oh and before you go," I stopped her. "Inform security of the situation of our little bird friend." I smirked. She nodded and hurried out.

I collapsed back in my chair, opening the file. There was a page on Robin and another on Batman as well as a few papers of information about tonight's meeting.

I scanned Robin's page, running my finger along the words.

"So the bird is Bruce Wayne's newest ward? That could only mean..." I moved the file to see Batman's file, identifying him as Bruce Wayne.

Going back to Robin-er Tim Drake's file, I saw he was the same age as me, adopted by Bruce a number of years ago from an abusive father. I frowned at the fact.

Quite impressive information. I must reward Madeline for obtaining such private information. I wrote a note to up her salary and placed it on my desk. I placed the file in my desk drawer, and locked the drawer.

Standing up, I grabbed my phone and exited the room, closing and locking the doors behind me.

It's not easy being the leader of a Mafia family so to speak. It's difficult getting people to obey me because I'm young. I'm younger than almost everyone I work with. But because my dad passed as with my mom in a meeting that went horribly wrong, someone had to take on the family job.

I entered my dressing room to see a bit about my age, maybe a little younger holding my suit. I thanked him and insured him out.

I changed my undergarments and pulled on fresh socks and the black pants. I buttoned up the white dress shirt and tied the silky black tie. I pulled the blazer on, tugging it forward. I tied my black dress shoes and went to the washroom.

Batboys x Male!Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें